Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell

Start from the beginning

Omer left, and Defne slowly got out of bed. She put herself in order and went downstairs. Breakfast was on the table: scrambled eggs with ham, fresh vegetables, and fruits, dried olives, her favorite cheese, and toast. Even freshly brewed tea is poured into a thermos and in a beautiful bowl - walnut-oatmeal cookies, Italian. Which the gourmets adore and she, Defne.

When Zehra entered the house, breakfast was eaten and Defne was cleaning the table. The woman approached the girl. She smiled softly and took the tray with dirty dishes from her hands.

- Mrs.Defne, I will do everything myself. And you must rest. So said Mr.Omer.

- Sister Zehra, what madam? - Defne was indignant. - Once again you say so - I'll be offended!

- Ok, Defne, good! - agreed the woman and gently pushed the girl in the back. - Then you listen to me. Go have a rest.

Defne did not argue. Moreover, she had plans. And the first is to call Nihan.

Her friend answered after the first ring.

"Girl," Nihan screamed or laughed on the phone in her usual manner, "how are you?" Still angry with us? Do not be angry. We want your happiness. And it is next to Omer, - her friend did not allow a word to be inserted. "He loves you so much." He sat by your bed all night long. And in the afternoon we forcefully pushed him out of your room. And he also banned turning off the life support device ...

"Wait, wait." Defne finally wedged herself into the waterfall of Nihan's words. - But about this in more detail. What does it mean - banned? The doctor also talked about this. And what did he mean when he said to Omer: you not only saved your wife's life but also my peace of mind?

"That's what it is," Nihan's voice changed. It became low and crushed. "You didn't come to your senses." The doctors did research and told us your brain was dead. No chance. Мust turns off the device or pays a lot of money for the connection. Sigorta does not apply to such a procedure. They were so convincing ... and grandmother ... Defne she almost died then! ... Grandma agreed. You should have been disconnected the next day. But Omer flew in. He forbade turning off the device, paid for everything, demanded that they conduct new research, sit at your bed and talk, talk, and then ... Defne, it was a miracle! A real miracle! You woke up! We thought we would die of happiness.

Defne's mind stirred. Brain death. There was no chance. Omer forbade to turn off the device. Allah Allah! Did he save her life? First, killed, and then saved? And what should she do with this new truth?

- Girl! Are you alive there? Why are you silent? - Nihan's worried voice rang from the speakers.

"I'm thinking, " Defne answered.

- Aah! Think about it. And don't be mad at grandma. She wants your happiness.

Her hand with the phone dropped down. Defne sat on the bed with her head bowed and staring blankly at the floor. She thought.

Omer flew in and did not let her die. He refused a divorce. He takes care of her and wants to make peace. He says he loves her. But what about the other Omer? The one who never chose her. Which always put pride above love. Which lifted her into the sky, and then let go of her hand, and she hit the ground and broke into pieces. Is this Omer gone?

Chaos reigned in her head. And this chaos disturbed and tormented her. She needed something to occupy her hands and head, and work always put her thoughts in order.

Defne got to her feet and went into the study. She just needs white sheets of paper and pencils right now. She will draw and think. To think and draw.

She worked like an obsessed woman. She finished one drawing and started the second. The models on paper reflected her thoughts - chaotic, contradictory, sometimes evil, but the next minute overflowing with hope and longing for love. And the result was amazing every time.

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