"I know you hear me talking to you Anthony! You really gone act like you give a fuck about me and even risked yo life to save me from Amir but scared to stand up to yo fucking mama! Thats some real pussy shit. Now you really trynna blame me for acting out, what the fuck?!" At this point Anthony was fed up, Sugar acted is if she'd be okay with him whooping her mama ass for popping off at the mouth.

"You act like the shit she said was fucking wrong or something! That's how the fuck we got together right!?" He roared his vein appearing on the side of his head as it always did when he was pissed. "You act like I didn't take up for you?!" He yelled.

His words hit Sugar deep and when it did it stung. With no words to be said back from his comment Sugar sent a hard smack across Anthony's face causing his head to turn from the power of it. Ant grabbed ahold of his face in shock as he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from saying how he felt at the moment as he slowly nodded his getting out the car slamming the door behind him. He wasn't about to go there with Sugar. He wouldn't let her have the power to bring that side of out he knew he had.

"Yeah, walk away pussy! Fuck you Ant!" Sugar screamed with tears streaming down her face.

Seeing Anthony had got out without even turning the car off she hopped in the drivers seat peeling out the driveway. Anthony was just inside the door when he turned around seeing the car take off as he ran towards it yelling out for her. Sugar didn't know where she was going but she needed to go somewhere. She didn't want to be around Anthony right now and had no intentions of turning around.

"Fuck!" Ant kicked the air in frustration as he stormed into the house slamming the door. At a time like this he wished he'd let her have a phone. All he could was wait. On top of being pissed the fuck off he was beyond worried now. He just prayed she wouldn't stay gone for too long.


Sugar cruised around the city with her shades on as she listened to the radio in thought. She'd even stopped to fill Ant's take up, grateful she didn't run into any familiar faces. At this point it had already been hours since she'd left and nearing dark. She spent her time really thinking back on the last six months of her life. She was always too busy trying to not think about what happened to her but it was now beginning to take a toll on her. Which is why she felt she lashed out on Anthony's mother. Taking this time out for herself or once she was able to let all her hurt out.

The guilt had began to eat at her for putting her hands on Anthony. She knew it had went to far just as it did her mother. She blamed herself for holding in the anger from her past situations and when she finally did release it it ended up being on the wrong people. She felt like Kyra and that scared her. She knew of Anthony's past and how being physical with him could trigger him and she just wanted to apologize.

After all he did for her she knew he didn't deserve that even though his words did hurt. It wasn't what he said it was how he said it that hurt. She knew she was ready to apologize but wasn't ready to face him just yet. She knew the man he'd use to be and how he could've reacted, she was actually shocked that he just walked away. It was getting late and she knew he would be worried. But before she back home she felt like she needed to make one more stop...

• • •

After knocking on the door a few times Sugar held herself shivering when it finally unlocked. "You got some nerve, you better get the hell off my porch before I call the damn cops!" Anthony's mother spat.

She proceeded to slam the door in Sugar's face when Sugar stopped it midway. "Please!" She pleaded. "I want to apologize and explain."

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