Chapter 34 - The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

"All I know is that he's a few blocks northwest," Theron told the Pontifex Maximus.

Reyna frowned, rubbing her eyes. Sleep was prominent in them. "Lucy, can you tell the Cohorts to form a defensive position and ask the Greeks to do the same."

Lucy nodded and walked off to a group of legionnaires who instantly stood at attention when they saw their Praetor walking towards them.

Two soft thumps were heard behind them. Theron immediately whirled around, his sword already out and flashing. His sword caught with another blade just before it hit the intruder's neck.

"Woah, there," Gemini had his sword out, blocking Theron's attack. Gemini and Queen had landed next to the two. "It's just us."

Theron lowered his blade, grunting out an apology. With a twist of his wrist, the sword shifted back into its ring form, and he slid it smoothly back onto his finger.

"Commander Mercy informed us what happened," Queen explained while Gemini sheathed his sword. "Saturn is on the move?"

Theron nodded grimly, telling the assassins of the Titan's recent moves. They listened quietly, asking questions when needed and adding comments about battle strategies they had been taught in their time with Void. The three exchanged stories until they were interrupted by an out-of-breath Annabeth.

"Is it true?" Annabeth demanded, her eyes harder than steel. Her fingers were flexing dangerously, as one of her hands fiddled with her Camp necklace, now filled with colorful beads. Theron couldn't help but notice the five prominent beads from his years at Camp Half-Blood, all hanging in the center of the necklace.

Reyna swiftly grabbed the girl's hand, giving it a swift squeeze. "Annabeth, maybe it's best if you sit the next battle out, rage isn't a good source-"

"No," the Daughter of Athena growled out. "I will shove his scythe so far up his ass that even the darkest pits of Tartarus seem like a blessing."

She tore her hand from the Roman's grasp, and stomped away.

"That's not good," Theron muttered, watching Annabeth's rage continue.

"No shit, Sherlock," Gemini muttered.

"What was that about?" Lucy had returned through the doors of the Empire State Building, Julia in tow. She turned to Reyna. "Cohorts One and Two are set up in Positis Munitionibus and we have Cohort Three patrolling in groups of six. The Greeks are. . .being Greek. You may want to check up on them."

Reyna nodded and strutted out of the building.

"Annabeth," Theron said simply, answering Lucy's previous question. Lucy made an 'O' with her mouth while Julia let out a soft chuckle.

"Well," the Commander cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'm going to go find the other Commanders. You'll know where to find me."

He turned toward the door, chuckling when he heard Julia mutter. "No, we really won't."

Theron exited the doors and started walking towards what he assumed was the blockade. He waved to a few patrol groups, who confusedly waved back. He waded through the ranks of Romans, eventually finding himself in the front of their lines. Reyna was talking to some of the Commanders, seemingly getting more agitated by the minute.

"How is water not wet?" Reyna exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "Water has to be wet. . .it's water!"

"Aha!" Mercy was arguing with the Pontifex Maximus. "That's where you're wrong! The English definition of the word 'wet' is covered or saturated with water or another liquid. Can water cover itself? No. You pour water on a towel? The towel is wet. But the water? Not wet."

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