Chapter 10 - Power-Ups and Unfortunate Events

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I was going to do a Time Skip but decided against it. 

This peaceful feeling didn't last as long as Theron would have liked.

Just as the assassin was about to take another bite of his delicious burger, the cafeteria doors burst open. Literally. They flew off there hinges as collided with an unfortunate army member from Division 5.

Chaos rushed into the room, a panicked expression on his face, and ran over to the Commander's table.

"Perseus is gone!" the Creator bellowed.

Theron smirked.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Theron asked, in an as panicked voice as he could muster.

"I just wanted to let you guys-" Chaos started to ramble before he narrowed his eyes, slowly turning his focus to Theron, "Wait, what in the name of me are you doing?! You should be resting, not in the cafeteria eating a burger!"

Theron just put his feet on the table and leaned back, appearing relaxed.

"Honestly Chaos, you worry too much. I am perfectly fine, and besides, I'm starving!"

"Theron, you were unconscious for three weeks," Chaos exclaimed.

At this, Theron started choking on his burger that he just took a large bite out of. After successfully consuming the burger, he turned to Chaos.

"THREE WEEKS?!" he yelled.

Chaos nodded, "Yes, whatever you did really drained you. What exactly did you do?"

And so Theron explained. He explained how Kosmosr knocked Mercy out with just a scratch, how he fought the monster with support from Stardust and Scout, and he explained how he figured out how to beat the monster, by transferring all his hope to the monster because it fed off destruction and loss, not hope. Theron finally came to an end and he looked upon the shocked faces of his friends.

"Wow," Hunter whispered, the others could only nod in agreement.

"That doesn't matter at the moment," Theron sighed, "This beast, Kosmosr, easily defeated three Commanders of the Chaos army. So I have come to the conclusion to personally train each of you to gain physical and mental strength as well as more control over your demigod powers."

Each Commander paled greatly.

Theron chortled as he looked upon the frightened faces of his dear friends.

"Having said that, meet me in the Commander's Training room after you finish your food. We have a lot to cover."

Theron stood up and walked out of the now door-less cafeteria. He walked down the massive hallways that were painted like the galaxies, he headed in the direction he saw the Commander's training room, getting lost in thought. 

Soon enough, Theron reached the massive wooden doors that signified the presence of the exercise room. He opened the large doors and was greeted with a room that would have made Zeus jealous. The room was as large as about four Olympus throne rooms, with a large sprinting track circling the whole room. In the closest left corner of the large room, there were weights, weapons, etcetera. Basically used for physical training. In the right corner, there were many mats that looked suspiciously like Earth Yoga, as well as some other stretching operatives. In the furthest left corner, there were large robotic-like automatons that ranged in metals from Celestial Bronze to Chaotic Silver. The right corner was empty, seemingly used for whatever the user wished it to be. Overall, the grand Ancient Greek and Roman architect made the large room even more majestic.

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