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Surprisingly, Hiram lets me leave in the morning. However, I had to sit through Betty's rawshak test.
"Betty." I go to hug her but she's focussed on another image.
"Black hood."
"No, Betts. It's me."
"Quiet, Miss Lodge."
"Dead body."
"Betty. No. That's your boyfriend! My brother. Jughead. He loves you so fucking much."
"Mr. Lodge..." Sister Woodhouse got Hiram to cover my mouth.
"J. It's okay, the Gargoyle King. My savior."
Tears slid down my cheek and I wanted to help her.
Veronica was ecstatic to have me home but I was busy with school. In fact I was walking down the hallway with the Vixens since Cheryl made me co-captain due to my theatrical talent when Veronica and the rest of the cheer squad collapsed and had seizures.
"Help!" Cheryl yelled. And then to me she whispered, ". Thistlehouse. Go now." I ran, ditched my classes, and waited for Cheryl to come upstairs with Toni.
"J-Jo! Toni is going to be staying with us and I also advise you to stay here with her. I collected your school work so you don't have to go anywhere, sweets."
"Thanks." I stared at her, "Are you okay Topaz?"
Toni woke up to Cheryl stirring tea for her. I'm not gonna lie, I was jealous of their connection even though I left Cheryl in the dark for the past 6 months.
3rd POV...
"What do you mean 'she left?' Did you even look for her?" Hermione Lodge had showed up to pick up her daughters. To her shock, Hiram was already there, screaming at Weatherbee.
"I'm sorry Mr. Lodge but she left as soon as the seizure started."
This infuriated Hermione. "We need a school board meeting. Tell Cheryl Blossom to tell noone."
"Starlet? You like your hair?" Cheryl Blossom had installed a platinum blonde wig to my scalp. It hurt but when I looked in the mirror my face didn't look recognizable. She had used foundation to cover my brows and painted over them with purple eyeliner. My lips were extended. Last but not least, she'd given me a whole new red waradrobe.
"So, Starlet. This is the..."
"The student lounge is shut down, effective immediately. And anyone who knows where Jaguar Lodge is, will be punished for withholding information."
We were in the hallway when hasmat suits came out and weatherbee said veronica was infected. Then she ran.
That night we arrived at the school.
"Stop it right there!" Veronica said.
"CDC hasn't set foot in Riverdale High." I said.
"Fact." Cheryl said.
Alice Cooper looked me in the eyes.
"Miss Lodge?" weatherbee said as Hermione said, "Palomita?"
"What? You guys look like you've... Anyway..."
Veronica cut me off, talking about drugs while Hiram stood smug. As usual, he had an answer for everything. Cheryl, however hit her breaking point when he told her the cheerleaders were at Riverdale General.
"And being dissected like fetal pigs no doubt."
"Cher, more like dead bodies, knowing him," I said.
"Whatever J-Jo," then she went off stepping toward Hiram, "You messed with my squad which means you've messed with me."
"And we demand answers." I said.
Then Aunt Penelope had a siezure, Cheryl rolled her eyes and I went home after I hugged her in front of the PTA, "Now, let's go get some rest, Cherry."
My phone was ringing. "Hello?"
"Nicolette. It's FP. Go to Fred's. He's taking you to go see Jellybean and Gladys."
When I left Cheryl's house that night, I told her I was going for a run. I never said I was going to the Pembrooke.
To my surprise, when I got there, Hiram was not in his study, "Mija, where were you?"
"I was living my life. I gotta go back to Cheryl's."
"After you tortured her mother?"
I rolled my eyes, "Her mother doesn't live there anymore. Not after we... took care of her."
He smiled, "I'm proud of you. I want you to have Veronica's pearls. She refused them earlier."
"Um... No thanks." I gotta go.
It was a longshot but I climbed out the window of the Pembrooke and down the emergency ladder.
"FP!" He shoved me in the car as we sped to Toledo.
I knew Jellybean Jones was a little bitch but i didnt expect her to sass FP.
"Can I get a hug?" He asked. Then she pushed past him and sneered, "Can I get a dad?"
I grabbed her, "Hey Jellybean, can I get less disrespect?"
Jughead came out and hugged me, "Hey, Nicolette."
"Jug, future husband." I said, then, I took a deep breath, "Archie. Wait."
"I'm going away for awhile. To disappear." He said.
I looked at Jughead, "Sorry guys. Hiram wants my blood too. I'm going with you, Arch."
Archie Andrews had actually thought this through. Fake IDs, Hair dye (a wig in my case), and leaving after dark were perfect.
"Are you sure you too wanna do this?" Fred Andrews asked.
"Dad..." Archie trailed off.
Fred gripped my hand, "You know I thought I'd be able to take you on a trip like this, you with your father's blessing, Jaguar."
"We both know why that can't happen."
"I know," He placed a phone in my hand. "One more thing."
He handed Vegas to Archie.
We said our goodbyes as Archie Andrews and I set off to my true home. Greendale. If only I could stay away forever.

SOUTHSIDE STARLET *editing* (RIVERDALE)Where stories live. Discover now