Man In Black

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I had been running through the woods for about an hour when I fell. I looked down and I was at the Andrews residence. My bloody hands couldn't stop me. Hiram couldn't stop me. I was ready to go home.
I pulled out my phone and dialed one of the only numbers I knew by heart even with the shock.
"Hello? This is Mary Andrews' office. Intern speaking."
"Aunt Mary? It's Nicolette." I said.
"Doris. Let me on the line," Mary said, "Jaguar what's wrong."
"I'm at Fred's and I need you to pick me up." I said, "and take me to Greendale."
I knocked on the door.
"Uncle Fred! Help me please!" I'm desperate. My body hands stain his door.
"JAGUAR! Oh my god you're bleeding!?" He lifts me up and places me on Archie's bed.
"What happened, hon?"
All of a sudden, I get a flashback to the events of tonight...
Betty... Alice... Hiram... the blood... the abuse...
"It's all my fault. He tried to hurt me. Because of the Gargoyle King scam. Me and Betty didn't mean to..."
"Hiram." I said, "He wants me home but I ran. After he and Hermione, well Hiram assaulted me after I helped Archie..."
"Nicolette, those are..."
"SERIOUS GODDAMN ACCUSATIONS! I KNOW!" The I remembered who else could hear me, "Aunt Mary! Can I please go live with you in Chicago?"
"Nicolette. I can take you to Greendale but I don't know what else I can do..."
Fred looked at me and grunted in disapproval, "No. I'll take you to Greendale. I'm not letting down another child. Go take a shower and I'll be down here."
I got up and took a shower, rinsing off my bloody hands and tending to my bruises. My arms looked like a dark purple galaxy.
As I got out of the shower, I heard a voice.
"Me. Andrews! I need to see my sister!"
What the hell was Veronica doing here?
"Veronica, I'm sorry but she's not here."
Then, "Well, Archie broke up with me" and she started crying. I stayed in Archie's room getting dressed for half an hour before Veronica left. I had only brought my backpack that I originally brought when I lived in the drive in and every outfit in there made me recognizable. So I took  Archie's Riverdale High sweatshirt and black sweatpants and put them on.
I got downstairs and Fred drove me to Greendale and surprisingly Mary Andrews met us at the Spellman Mortuary.
That was unexpected. Fred knocked on the door and Ambrose answered, "Sister dearest," he hugged me, "And who might these people be?"
"Fred Andrews," Fred said, "and my ex wife Mary."
"So, you are the parents of Jaguar's best mate, Archie? He called her when she first came to visit us." Ambrose couldn't keep a damn secret.
"Okay. Bye Uncle Fred. Aunt Mary."
We hugged.
"Be safe, kid."
"Wait." Mary Andrews pulled out a pen and paper, "I need an adult over 18 to sign these papers."
"What is this for?" a lady in all black with blonde curly hair looked at Mary.
"It's custody papers. This child needs to be placed with a new family. She's been abused." Aunt Mary gestured to my bruised face.
"I see. I, Zelda Spellman, will be responsible for this stranger," Zelda says.
"Auntie. She's my sister." Ambrose said.
"Well then, she's not a mortal." Zelda looked relieved. She signed the papers and closed the door.

The next morning Sabrina woke me up. She greeted me with a purple ensemble floating and a Frappuccino.
"Good morning Jaguar!"
"Sabrina. Good morning." I said

Sabrina Spellman walked me to school and when we arrived I saw Roz and Suzy again.
"Hi, I don't know if you remember me but I'm Nicolette. I came to visit a few months ago." I said.
"Sabrina's cousin? I'm Suzy Putnam."
"Roz. I believe we've met before."
Immediately I began to talk to Roz. She and I had so much in common since we both loved books. I told her about Jughead. That first day felt like a blur but I also was very alert with fear of Hiram.
3rd POV
Hiram Lodge was a busy man. He didn't have all day. That being said, he also did not have time to wait for five pesky teens to mind their own business.
Archie Andrews has been freed but he also broke Veronica's heart.
Jughead Jones helped Archie. Is helping him.
Betty Cooper was admitted to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.
And Nicolette Woodhouse was nowhere to be found.

The one thing he knew was the Southside Starlet defied him and hung out with her boyfriend and and her pesky cousin constantly.

On the other side of his study, Hermione saw Veronica packing boxes.
"Shipping things to your sister?" She asked.
"No," Veronica replied, "I'm moving out. This place is toxic."
"No, mom. Sheriff Minetta disappeared right after Archie broke up with me. Look me in the eyes and tell me..."
Silence. Veronica pushed past her mother and left.

This was JUGHEAD'S eighth call to both Betty and Jaguar. Jaguar picked up and Betty didn't.
"J? It's Jughead. How'd you get to Greendale?"
"Not at liberty to discuss. But why didn't you guys come with me?"
Archie sighed, feeling terrible for leaving the girl behind, "Jug and I thought you'd be safer."
"Safer? Archibald, Forsythe! I'm the happiest I've ever been in Greendale." I sighed.
"Who are you living with? You don't have any family..."
"On the contrary," Ambrose Spellman interjected, "Jughead, sir, she has me, her biological brother. I'll make sure to keep her in line."
"And me, Sabrina, I be her guide at school."
"Um. Okay... what's your name?" Jug said skeptically.
"Ambrose." I said, "He's 175 years old." I laugh.
"Okay. As long as you're safe."
I hang up.
Later that day, Sabrina invited me to her birthday party on Friday. I accepted and we await it all week. Until Aunt Zelda tells me I need to be there to Praise the Dark Lord. Sabrina wasn't happy about it. She said she didn't want to relinquish her freedom.
(Cuz we don't know the Riverdale timeline, or what time they're in)
On Friday I was ready for Sabrina's birthday party.
"Nicolette! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" Sabrina called.
I ran down the stairs and at that exact moment the doorbell rang.
"Brina? Are you expecting someone?"

12 hours earlier, Riverdale
When Hermione Lodge showed up at the Andrews residence, Fred Andrews was tempted to punch him once again.
The woman smirked, "Fred Andrews. I'm looking for my daughter. This is the third time this year that she's run away."
"And why are you asking me?"
"Fred," she sighed, "I admire you. And I know you'd do anything for that girl..."
"Hermione. I'm sorry but my ex wife was down here yesterday to help me process the past month. I've been busy with preparations to find my son."
"Very well."
She knew he was lying.

Greendale, 12 hours later
"No. I don't believe so."
"Lock the door."
"I can't just not answer, J."
I sped up the stairs and into Ambrose's bedroom.
"Ambrose. There's a black car outside and I need you to answer the door. I think it's my foster dad."
Ambrose got up and told me to stay behind him. He casually opened the door. There he was, Hiram Lodge.
"Good evening. May I speak to Mrs. Spellman? I believe my daughter is here."
Ambrose let out a dry laugh, "I'm afraid she's not here at the moment. Check again later." He went to shit the door right as Aunt Zelda spoke, "Ambrose. Who is that?"
"I'm here to do business with you. Hiram Lodge." Hiram shook her hand.
"Well then come in."
"Brina. We gotta go. Out your window. Now."
"Okay." We ran upstairs and we knew we'd be late to Harvey's.
Sabrina took me downstairs to get a glass of warm milk and we knew we were caught.
"Starlet, do you know this man?" Sabrina asked. I shook my head.
"Palomita, no need to lie to these people."
"Here to punish me some more?"
Why would you do that to them?
"Brina. Get him out of here. That man is dangerous."
"Palomita." Hiram touched my arm.
"Oh my god. It was you," Sabrina had a realization, "You had Jaguar and her friend arrested."
"I must be going with my daughter. She's sick." Hiram sneered, gripping my arm tightly.
"Sister!" Ambrose called.
He grabbed Hiram and pushed him out the door. I didn't end up going to Harvey's party.
I ran behind Sabrina and tripped. Ambrose called my name but I blacked out. A hand lifted me up and Hiram Lodge met my eyes.
When I woke up that morning I was in a blue dress and red cardigan, laying in a bed next to Betty Cooper.
"You were out quite awhile, Miss Lodge. Welcome back. I believe you've met Ethel. She and Miss Cooper have been helping each other. Miss muggs will assist you."
"No. No. I'm not supposed to be here, Sister Woodhouse. I have a family. I have..."
"Sedate her." Sister Woodhouse grabbed my arm as Ethel muggs withdrew a needle, "Oh, Nicolette, you've been sinning quite a bit."
"Starlet? KeKe! Nicolette? Are you okay?" A blonde girl I recognized woke me up for a roarshak test. Apparently the two of us were taking it together. As we walked down the hall, I began to realize who was beside me. "B. I've been so worried about you. Jug called for you. He said..." Sister woodhouse opened the door and Betty whispered, "Act normal. They want you to be insane."
Sister Woodhouse pulled out a series of cards.
The Black Hood
"A teddy bear," Betty and I said in sync.
The gargoyle king.
"A doll." We did it again.
By the time we finished, Sister Woodhouse was thoroughly dissatisfied.
Ethel Muggs sat on my bed as a third was placed between me and Betty's.
"Hey, Betty. Jaguar. I don't think your brother Jughead is interested in Betty anymore."
I laughed, "Who is he interested in then, cuz he tells me everything."
Ethel rolled her eyes, "He didn't tell you? Things got pretty hot and heavy between us in the bunker."
"Barf. E," I gave her a nickname to be friendly, "Friends don't talk about love affair's between them and their friend's siblings."
Betty mouthed, "This psycho bitch."
"This isn't Riverdale High. I'm the Queen Bee, not you Betty Cooper."
I got up, "Okay, Ethel. We all know you blackmailed him into kissing you so sit the hell down."
Betty and I were told to get in line to get "candy." I knew it was drugs since Veronica got proof of his dealing shortly after Archie stupidly pled guilty. Betty gave me a knowing look and poured hers into the trash can in our room. I, on the other hand, was smarter and opted to place fizzle rocks into my cheek. Ethel Muggs came by and told Betty to eat her "candy." Betty nodded and Ethel left.
An hour later, Betty gave me the bright idea to sneak a paper clip from the nuns' desk for her. I followed her down until we heard a noise and ended up hiding in a spare room. We witnessed a girl, about 13 years old, being dragged into a chamber.
When the coast is clear, we snuck out but Ethel was lurking in the shadows once again.
"Betty? Starlet? What are you doing?"
"I got lost, Nicolette was looking for me."
"Yeah, E. This place is huge."
"Yeah well nobody's allowed here without a nurse so go back."
"Betty, come play with us."
I was already falling asleep from how boring G&G was.
"No thanks, Ethel."
"Betty, you said we were friends. Friends play with each other."
Betty scoffed.
"Friends don't make out with each other's boyfriends. Right, Starlet?"
"You two are just jealous that the Gargoyle King wants Jughead and I to be together. We're gonna be a ship."
"A ship?" I sneer.
Betty laughs dryly, "Like, Ethelhead?"
"In your dreams bitch!"
Ethel goes up to fight her but then Betty nods and we both go down shaking violently. We're faking a seizure and we hoped to holy hell that it worked.
Betty woke me up from a deep sleep and told me she has our files so we can leave now.
We run through the pipe system and we finally see the door Cheryl was rescued through. "Shit. Shit. Holy shit."
"No. No. fucking no!"
A giggle caused us to turn around.
"There they are Sister Woodhouse."
"Ethel, you fucking bitch." I tried to run but they held me tight.
"You're lucky, your father is a donor and that you're my niece, Miss Lodge. Sorry you had to see this."
"Betty! No! Betty... oh my god. Don't hurt her please."
I saw Sister woodhouse pour the fizzle rocks down her throat and I gasped as Betty screamed.
Then they threw her into the pit.
"B! Elizabeth! Betty! It'll be alright, Betts. Jughead said he loves you. And he wishes he took us with him! Betty!" I was panicking, "Open this damn door right now, Sister Woodhouse! You can't leave her there. She'll go crazy." I am screaming at the top of my lungs, banging on the door, trying desperately to save my best friend. The guards grip on me gets even tighter as they lock me into a dark spare bedroom.
I hope to god that I'm hallucinating, that somehow they've also drugged me by mistake. Against my better judgement I turn around. There is the devil incarnate, here to rob me of my happiness and tarnish the memories of my childhood through assault.

SOUTHSIDE STARLET *editing* (RIVERDALE)Where stories live. Discover now