Fear the Reaper

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fear the reaper
I don't remember hitting Elio in the face but I do remember him calling me a "slutty criminal." Normally I'd let it slide but since he was trying to pin drugs on Archie I couldn't control myself
I ran to La Bonne Nuit from the hospital clutching my bloody wrist. I needed a drink. I didn't care if I had to break into the bar. I literally pulled out a bottle of vodka and chugged it, thinking about how screwed Archie and I were. My phone buzzed, Archie blowing it up.
"God that kid doesn't know when to shut up." I threw my phone at the bottles.
"Nicolette?" It was Betty.
"Oh my god. Did you drink all that?"
"No." i lied
Then, "what the hell are you two doing?"
"Nicolette was drinking." Betty said.
"Snitches get stitches, Elizabeth." I snapped.
"Well, you two need to get ready, he's coming any minute."
"Ready for what?" I asked.
"Miss Veronica your father is here."
I sighed, "I gotta go."
"No." Betty said, "You are staying
And now we're sitting in La Bonne Nuit with a man I'd never thought I'd have to see again.
"I heard I missed quite the fight earlier." Hiram said.
"You also missed me nearly breaking elio's nose."
"That's not why we called you here, daddy." Veronica said.
"Betty has something to ask you. And if you-" Betty cut me off.
"Excuse my cousin Mr. Lodge. My father is being held in a windowless prison. It's an attrocious place. He heard about your private prison and how some of the rooms overlook sweetwater river. And my cousin wasted her time not getting to know him."
"Kinda like how you wated time not-"
I've been hiding something from Betty. Earlier today, I made the mistake of visiting the Farm. When I arrived, I tried to pry the door opened with my switchblade but then none other than Edgar Evernever answered. "Ah, the Farm's Starlet."
"She was right about you being creepier in person." I stepped in, "Let me in. Let me see my aunt."
"I'm afraid I can't unless you talk to me first." Edgar said.
I rolled my eyes, "Fine. If you or any 'Farmie' bitch touches me, I'm the girlfriend of the Sheriff's son and my father's a mob boss so don't try anything."
"Right this way, Miss Cooper."
"Did your cousin send you?" he asked.
"First of all, Mr. Evernever, I'll ask the damn questions. So, I heard you're marrying my aunt. What are your intentions with her?"
Then I saw a familiar flash of red, and chased it, "Cheryl!"
"Letti!" the red head said, "How are you."
I lost it and slapped her, "Cheryl fucking Blossom if you don't come back down to Earth and call me a bitch right now I'm seriously going to slit your throat."
"Why would I-"
"BLOSSOM! You think I'm fucking around. I'm not."
"That's not my fucking name. It's Nicolette. And your are Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, Riverdale High's HBIC. you have-"
Edgar laid his hands on me, "Let's go."
I felt violated, "Don't touch me."
"Letti what's-" Evelyn said
"what's wrong?" i asked her, "Are you stupid? fuck this. expect a fucking lawsuit for your father sexually assaulting me." I faked it. Tears poured down my cheeks, "I'm just a teenage girl. He had no right. never speak to me again."
"And then Edgar had the audacity to-"
"Miss Evernever, have you had your meningitis shot yet?" the nurse asked.
"Um." Evelyn looked at us, "The Farm doesn't believe in putting foreign substances in our bodies, check my file."
I saw her eye us as she walked away, "Let's check the damn files Betty."
I don't know why but I was surprised to find out Evelyn was Edgar's wife and had forged her own school records.
"Hi, Miss Weiss," we answered the door to Veronica's apartment.
The woman came in and said, "Girls, I followed your paper trail and you were right about Evelyn."
"I knew it," I said.
"However," Miss Weiss paused, "Not only has Evelyn been faking her age. She's twenty six and married to Edgar."
"Uh- thank you Miss Weiss."
What could be more suspicious than Evelyn's age?
I knew Toni Topaz was bullshitting us the minute she said, "the twins." You see, Betty and I were both there the night of her seizure and i saw the babies float too. My suspicion is that they laced my drink that night and Betty's with fizzle rocks. As soon as Toni left, I whispered to Betty, "something's up with her."
"no, keke," betty assured me, "we gotta get those babies out of there."
Hal Cooper smiled as soon as he saw me, "Ah. My darling niece. Welcome."
"Dad," Betty began, "We did it, Mr. Lodge says you'll be transferred within a week."
"That's amazing news. But you both are sad. What's wrong?"
"Mom's getting married to Edgar." Betty said.
Then I said, "And that man wants to adopt the twins after. Can you believe it, Hal? Honestly I'm about to slit all their-"
"Dear niece. Betty, you need to teach your cousin to control herself and go to the one person who wants those twins more than anything."
"Auntie Blossom." Betty and I sing songed, "It's about Juniper and Dagwood."
Her ears perked and she listened to our chaotic plan.
At the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, Betty and I waited for Penelope to come out with both babies. We heard a clank of a door shutting and Penelope Blossom came out with one baby.
"Fucking hell?" I breathed.
"Where's Juniper?" Betty asked.
Penelope failed to meet our eyes, "Edgar keeps the girl."
"what. no. you can't separate twins." betty protested.
"that's the agreement, betty. i tried."
"Are you sure we should be here?" i asked Toni as Betty and I ran through the corridor.
"It's fine." she said.
"Betty." I whispered, when we entered Polly's room.
"What?" Toni asked.
"Notice anything different about her?" I whispered quieter to Betty.
"Betty Cooper. I know you aren't that stupid." I kept trying, "Let's go."
But Betty ran and a shadow pressed Toni to guide us down a staircase.
There, was my aunt and cousins in white.
"I don't understand. What's going on." Betty asked. As a reaction I blurted, "We got set up... and now I'm slitting that bitch's throat." I lunged toward her but Betty held me back, "Hey. Hey. KeKe. Look at me, not them. This fight isn't worth it."
"Yeah it is, especially after Edgar sexually assaulted me earlier."
"You were here earlier? And you touched her?" Betty asked, "And you didn't tell me? Does jughead."
"No because someone had to make sure Topaz didn't get the the dark side. And plus I wanted to prove to you and Jug that I can actually investigate a fucking case."
They looked at us. "what's this about?" betty asked.
"You, Betty, Letti. It's all about you."
"Join us." They began to chant.
"Your whole life is here," Edgar chanted, "Your principal is here. Your best friends-" referring to Toni and Kevin, "are here. Your aunt and Mother are here. Your sister is here. Your cousin is here."
"Join us."
"Be a sister to your mother, be aunts to your niece."
Like clockwork, I envisioned Dani, "KeKe Woodhouse, this farm crap isn't worth it. It's not what I would've wanted. Don't you-"
"I know Danielle. I fucking know. Don't you think I know that." I snapped out of it, "Betty. Betty, please don't do this. Remember, your dad, huh? You, have me, Jughead, Veronica, hell even Archie's not dumb enough to be here. Elizabeth, the bonfire. remember when. You need to-" She picked me up and started running.
"Get them please." Edgar said.
I took out my can of pepper spray. "Have a 'blessed' day, body snatched bitches."
"Join us." seemed to be the theme song of the night as Betty and I hopped into the car on opposite sides but we made it.
"Thank you Danielle." I breathed.
"what did you say?" Betty asked.
"whenever I get nervous, Betty, my sister told me to breathe and think about her voice. That's how I learned about Toni, my nerves. But it's more than that, I've realized it only occurs when something big is going to happen. Like a-"
"Premonition." betty finished, "Nicolette. When did these visions begin to occur?"
"During the musical. I forsaw you threatening Evelyn." I said, "Betty. I promise this isn't some farmie crap. I actually saw something else. A girl. She looked like me only darker. She was crying, about her eyes. They called her, Roz- and I also saw a young man, also similar to me, he was called, Ambrose. Betty. I'm not bullshitting you when I say that I think I have some sort of mental issue. We pulled up at Jughead's house, but then I said, "Betty. I think I might move in with you and Veronica permanently."
Three hours later, Betty and I arrived at the Pembrooke. Veronica Lodge was sitting there, uncharacteristically quiet and then it happened. I saw a car and firefighters.
"Nicolette, Betty! Oh my god. I've been blowing up your phone." Veronica hugged us.
"What is it, Vee?" Betty asked.
"Betty, your dad and some other inmates were being transferred and the car had an accident."
"Did he escape?"
"There were no survivors." Veronica and I said at the same time.
"Again?" Betty asked me.
"I'm so sorry Betty."
"I wish I'd seen him more." I sobbed into her.
Later, I decided to go to Elio's to confront him. When I arrived, in the room, Elio was there with my father.
"Excuse me, like I told your sister, this is a men's steam room." Elio said.
I lit a cigarette and said, "Look, Elio, is it? In case you haven't noticed America is a free country so I'm well within my rights to be here."
"No you aren't. So leave before I-"
"I'm calling the shots now, Elio, and seeing as what you did to my best friend and sister, you're lucky you are walking. Honestly, if you cross me, I'll inform my friends at The New York Times about your sketchy activities."
Elio looked at me.
"Don't worry about your gym, Elio." It was my father, "archie andrews."
"Don't you dare touch Andrews." I said, "Elio if i hear he was attacked by you in anyway i will."
"There are two of him. One that saved my life and the other who held a gun to my head."
"I was there too, Hiram. He wasn't going to shoot you. I followed him. I was the one who wanted you dead. I still do."
"Don't even try to act like the victim."
Then, I said, staring at the tattoo on my hand, "Danielle. He's going to do something. I swear it. I can't tell what." The silhouette faded as I pulled my phone and dialled jughead.
"Juggie... You what? Okay well tell Archie Andrews that he seriously fucked up this time. Oh and meet me at this rundown gym. I airdropped my location. Thanks Jug.... Well Elio, I must be going but i meant what I said. Bye and never cross a cooper. Ever."
"I do what I want."
"And I'll kill you whenever I want but we both know we'll both be doing something illegal in the process."

SOUTHSIDE STARLET *editing* (RIVERDALE)Where stories live. Discover now