The Wicked and the Divine

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Archie Andrews was officially a teen capo. Even worse, he would constantly drag me there on days like today per Hiram's request. He always lied about it and it was starting to really piss me off. Although, we did go to Pop's it was only two minutes so we could pick up food Hiram had ordered. Then, instead of going to the Bijou with Betty and Jughead, he picked up Hiram's dry cleaning.
I seriously thought I was dying and seeing heaven when I saw Veronica Lodge wearing white and then another white dress with a label on it.
"Wow, Veronica." Archie said. I looked up and she looked so pretty, "Is this Nicolette's? It's better than the photo you sent." Photo? i seriously have no plans.
"um... arch, why would i need a dress?" archie didn't answer my question. i reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, dialling betty. "cousin betty... you're on speaker because i need you to get archie to stop lying to me."
betty sighed and asked if veronica was there. the lodge girl chuckled.
"okay, arch, nicolette just sent me a picture of a dress on snapchat and i know she didn't buy it since she runs all her purchases by jughead since they are technically engaged..."
"Betts." I said, "Focus."
Archie looked around.
"I bought it." Hermione Lodge said. Betty and I said, "What for?"
"Confirmation." she said.
"Nicolette is an atheist." Betty said. "Cousin Betty stop lying! I believe in... stuff."
"Last time I said oh my god you said he doesn't..."
"bYe, betty..." I hung up, "I really appreciate the dress it's just that I'm not a religious person. I hope you understand. Arch, I'll see you later I'll tell dad you are going to be home late okay..."
I turned to go, "Nicolette."
Oh. My. Holy Ghost!

"Yes?" I said.
"Princesa, we should start over even if you aren't being confirmed. Wear the dress, come to the confirmation. Veronica would love it if you sang with her and Josie."
I sighed, "Alright. I'll come."
"Perfect!" Veronica was so happy, "Come to meet the family tomorrow."
"Okay..? I'll tell Jughead I gotta cancel our-"
"Nonsense. Archiekins can have him help daddy tomorrow."
Archie laughed, "Really? Jughead Jones keeping his mouth shut for a night and not investigating? Ronnie he would never go for it."
I nodded in agreement, "Only because you don't satisfy him."
My phone rang as it always does in awkward situations.
"Nicolette. Are you still with Archie?"
"Fred? Yeah... He's..."
I shove the phone onto Archie's ear, "Here he is."
Archie walked away and five minutes later he came back. "Jughead is looking for you. He's at the construction site trying to find you."
"Don't you have to go take something to Fred?" I asked. Archie looked at me and handed me the cupholders with coffee. "You owe me so much Archie Andrews."
"Nicolette Woodhouse to the office please. Nicolette Woodhouse to the office."
What did I do?
"Oh, it's you."
"Princesa, I'm sorry."
I turned to walk away. It didn't matter that he apologized. It didn't matter that he wasn't there for sixteen years. If only he knew I was mad at him for how he's taking over the southside.
He was touching my hand.
"Nicolette your father is here." the receptionist said. I smiled at her, "Miss... that's not my father and I should be in class right now."
The lady looks at me confused, "Your file says that Hiram Lodge is your parental figure."
I stopped in my tracks, "Excuse me. What did you just say to me?"
"Hiram Lodge is listed as your guardian." the lady said.
I fucking rolled my eyes and sashayed out of the office. Jughead was probably for sure going crazy that I was missing the Swords and Serpents meeting. As a matter of fact I got a text from him.
Juggie - KeKe... where are you... we're starting in five minutes.
Then he called me.
"Forsythe. I'm a little busy trying not to get kidnapped right now." I said. On the other line I heard him breathe heavily. I could tell he was already anxious about the unknown situation.
"Where the hell are you?" he asked. When I didn't answer he looked outside of the classroom he was in and saw me, "Forsythe, what the hell are you looking at me for?"
"Come here." He said. I shook my head at him, "Get off your damn phone. I can see and hear you." I walked toward him. Once I reached him he kissed me and pulled me into the classroom.
"Thanks babe." I said. He kissed me aggressively, pulling my hair, inching toward me and me toward him every second. He began to pull off my serpent jacket when I blurted, "Hiram?"
"Ssh. KeKe. It's just me."
"No Juggie. Literally look behind you." He did. Hiram Lodge was glaring at Jughead. Jughead pulled me off himself, "Oh. crap, we gotta go to history class."
"History was last-"
"Forsythe... History... now... walk me to class." I was getting pissed at him. He walked me to a classroom but Hiram was literally following us.
"What are we going to do?" he said.
"Wait. Is Cheryl still doing her mandatory Vixen practice everyday after lunch?" he asked.
"Ugh. I'm supposed to be teaching a routine today!" I said as we reached the gym.
Cheryl looked livid when I arrived.
"Oh, Nicolette. Come in." Then she eyed Jughead. "Hobo, this is a closed practice."
Jughead kissed my cheek and left.
"All stretched for the fifteen minutes I was gone for?" The Vixens nodded, "Okay. For this routine I'm going to need, Veronica, Betty, and Cheryl to stand in a triangle with Cheryl in the center. Every cheer you'll rotate."
I taught the first half of the routine and then the door opened.
"I swear to god this is a closed practice. Leave you vultures!" Cheryl screamed at the one and only Hiram Lodge.
"Daddy?" Veronica asked, "What are you doing here?" Her gaze shifted to me, "Nicolette?"
I looked at Betty, "Betty?"
"Veronica?" Betty asked.
"Nicolette. Why are you avoiding me?" Hiram asked.
"Come back after practice, I have a routine that needs to be taught today."
Cheryl sensed the tension, "Actually, fellow vixen, the tension you brought with today threw the whole practice off. Take the day off to resolve it."
"Cheryl. I swear to god-" I said.
"What do you swear?"
Betty got upset, "Cheryl. Just leave my cousin alone. Nicolette, let's go. Now." I stared at Betty.
"Actually, Betty. You saw me do the routine last night so teach the rest of it. And Cheryl Blossom, just do whatever Betty tells you. She is a stone cold after all."
I walked out with Hiram. Leaning on the wall across from the door.
"You have five minutes. Starting now."
Hiram spoke very carefully, "Princesa, I want you to live with us in the Pembrooke and so does Hermione. We feel it's the safest option for you. Our plan was to surprise you this week with a dress and have you baptised at Veronica's confirmation."
"Ok. I'd actually kind of like that if you really want..."
"I want it, princesa. I want to give you and Veronica the whole world."
I sighed, "Fine. You can be my legal guardian but I want to be treated as if I'm emancipated - aside from rent since you already have enough blood money. Deal?"
The day before my baptism and Veronica's confirmation, Jughead and I were called over to the Whyte Wyrm.
"Alright order of the ophidians. We have news about the head."
"Ah. The prodigal son arrives." A voice calls. It sends a shiver down my spine when I finally see her face. Penny Peabody is sitting at a table, and she just so happens to be the one who launched my career.
"Why is the Snake Charmer here?" Jug asked.
"Seriously why is she here?" I said. Penny's eyes were fixated on me.
They turned to admiration fueled anger, "Ah, the Southside Starlet, welcome home, hon. Your little boyfriend over there carved me up like a sunday roast. Look at how he treated your manager, honey." Her arm was sliced opened and it looked like someone had scratched off her skin. I looked at Jughead horrified.
"Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third..." I said.
"She was making Dad her drug runner KeKe... all I did was..."
I slapped him in front of everyone. I didn't care anymore. He hurt someone. That's not the Jughead Jones I knew.
"Yeah, Jones, all you did was cut up a woman and leave her in a ditch to die. Totally not a big deal." I said sarcastically. Then I turned to him, "However, I still love you." I pulled off the snake ring he gifted me.
"Ask me again when you can control your impulses and I'll set the date immediately." I put it into his hand. I snapped my fingers, "Take me home, Topaz?"
"Wait," Penny said, "I want to carve off his tattoo with a dirty knife. And I want him out of the Serpents."
I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her, "Like hell you will, Penny. Let's go Jug."
FP lectured Jughead about how there'd be a vote putting him versus Penny. We enlisted Betty to put up flyers asking about general pickens head.
The next day on my baptism, Jughead sat with Archie in the third row. According to Hiram I was also getting confirmed.
"Do you Nicolette Janelle Arcadia Woodhouse Lodge, and you Veronica Cecilia Lodge renounce satan and all evil?"
"I do." Veronica said after a moment.
Then, I spotted Jughead in the crowd and he did his little nose scratch of approval.
"I do." I said, a little too wistfully.
I made Jughead dance with me at the party and when Veronica dragged me and Archie to meet our extended family, there was another girl my age staring at me.
"Ronnie, is this my other cousin?" the girl asked.
"Yes, Lucinda. This is Nicolette."
Lucinda looked at me suspiciously, and then, "OMG! Nicolette Woodhouse of ABC's Rumor Mill. Hi. Where's your boyfriend Chad?"
I looked at her with confusion, "Chad?"
She pulled up a picture on her phone. It was my co-star.
"Actually, cousin. My cousin Betty is with him over there." I whistled to them, "Betts, send Jones over here."
Fifteen seconds later, Jughead Jones was by my side, "Lucinda, this is Jughead, my boyfriend, and fiance as of the moment we turn eighteen." He shook her hand, "Nice to meet you."
Lucinda looked at Jughead, "He's actually kind of hot. Jughead wanna dance? Jughead... hm sounds like a cute name." She was touching my boyfriend.
"Excuse me but my date and I have business to discuss." My serpent carried me out of the ballroom.
"What is it?"
"My phone is ringing and that chick is weird." HE answered his phone, "Yeah, we're looking for the head. Okay. We'll meet you there."
We got the head and returned to confront Tallboy who was the culprit.
I was satisfied as I ripped off his jacket and Jug declared is exile.
The next morning at the Pembrooke, a package was delivered as I woke up to go see Cheryl.
"Daddy. This one's for you." Veronica said.
It was General Pickens' head.
"Oh well," I said, "There's not a bitch as bad as karma."

SOUTHSIDE STARLET *editing* (RIVERDALE)Where stories live. Discover now