Banging door

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"Ayaan POV"

"Does she really have to be there dad? " I was on phone call with my dad who was inviting me and swarni for dinner tonight. 'Of course beta there will be so many guests expecting her to be there with you.' His reply has make me really agitated "who cares dad and if it's okay I am not going to come as I can't afford to be seen with her and you know about media they follow me everywhere, what if lilly finds out about us through any media bullshit. She will never be coming back to me then dad"

'If you want to remain stays partners with them you have to make an appearance ayaan that too with your wife, end of discussion.' I was speechless as I cannot reason with my dad when it comes to business. I took a long breath and told him that I would be there by 8.


"Swarni POV"

I was surfing on the net, finding a solitude in this four walls of this room which is temporarily mine. Suddenly I've heard a loud banging on my door. When opened it I found my arrogant husband standing there still ready to bang with his palm and there, he hit on my forehead instead. Funny it seemed but trust me it's not, his hands were so heavy and a wave of shooting pain urged into my head.

He was standing there dumbstruck, without any guilty and I was holding my head. I'd closed my eyes thinking maybe this was a dream but the pain was not helping at all.

"Get ready by 7, we have a dinner at my parents home." How the fuck he can order me like that. That too in this state, shouldn't he be apologising for hitting me a minute ago. By mistake I get it but what was the hurry, I had already opened the door like in a minute or so.

"What if I don't want to? " Actually I wasn't asking him I was meaning to tell him I am not coming with you anywhere jerk.

"And why may I ask? " He asked with the fake courtesy. "Because my head is hurting right now. Now again don't ask me why my head is hurting, because you perfectly know why." And with that I closed my door on his face. What does he think of himself?

He can't thank me for making him a lunch, he ate half of that biriyani and ignored me like a pest on that table and now he can't even apologize.

"Okay listen I know it would be hurting but it wasn't intentional, I would never raise my hand on any women. "Now open this door" and here we go again still shouting, can't he just apologize for a change.

"Leave me alone. I will not come simple." Than my door opened magically " How the hell that happen? " I was asking him when he towered me on the foot of my bed and held both my arms tightly, more than my liking and more than I can resist. I was wincing when he said in pure anger "you have no say in this, you are supposed to do what you have been told, understand. This is the 1st and last time I am warning you that I am not here to entertain you. Now wear your best dress put some makeup on and be more presentable cause you are coming with me and that is finale. Is that clear? "

There were tears on the corner of my eyes ready to slip when I've said "yes' but he was still holding my arms and staring into my eyes, making me feel so small in front of him. I was trying to loosen his grip by moving my upper body but his hold was very firm. When he realized, what his strong grip was doing to me he suddenly dropped me on the bed and came over me and land some more bitter words.

" You better know your place, you are nothing more than a puppet. I will use you as I please " and he left while closing that door with another bang.

I was feeling scared was understatement, I was feeling shattered. One more time I have been reminded that I am no one. Suddenly I started questioning my decisions of Why did I said yes to this wedding? why did I said yes to meet his parents? and why was I expecting him to say sorry for anything? He might be one of those rich brats who walks over poor people like me daily and would never give a damn about it.

I cried for another half an hour and urged myself to start getting ready. I wore a blue saree with pearl necklace and high heels, put up as minimal amount of makeup as I could and descended to the living area but ayaan was no where to find, did he forget to bring me with him. Than a man in black suit came to fetch me, he told me that ayaan have already left and will meet me there only. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath while putting up fake smile and told myself:

Okay puppet, it's show time!

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