Chapter One: Blood Is Thicker Than Ice

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Dedicated to my dear friend Ocelotart

Thank you for always being here for me, our bond

is as true as Nora and Maine, and i hope we can stay

that way forever.....


Ocelotart is a Co-Author of this book, it is thanks to them I have created this book, some Characters and Chapter ideas are made by Ocelotart as well as kenzhop who too had a part of the characters.

Maine is a feline shifter of Burg Felanae, the opposite city of Burg Canidae. Her kind are rare, rarest beside the canine shifters of Canidae. See the problem is, only the females in her family are feline shifters, and they are the only ones, Maine, Maine's mother Din, my best friend and Maine's auntie Carol. Maine's dad left with her sister Nora when they where only three, Din said Nora belonged in Canidae, being a Canine Shifter. Maine always heard stories from Canidae of a young Canine defending the boarder of the Burg from the upcoming war between them and Burg Serpentae. Maine knew it had to be Nora, she faught off ten Serpentae warriors all on her own, only coming home with one bite that only made her ill.

Then finally some real news a week ago, Maine saw Noras name was revealed along with her tag name, Nora, The Peace Protector of Canidae. Along with other news that wasn't so great, the Serpentae warriors managed to slip by her, attacking the city and tearing down its outer wall, and Nora was injured badly. Even though Maine never met Nora, she still worried, and waited and read every article about Nora.

"Maine!! Its supper time darling, come down and eat before it gets cold!!" Her Mother called from downstairs. Maine look up from her newspaper and adjusted her glasses. She was half way threw the last paragraph, 'dinner can wait.' Maine flips her paper straight again and continues reading. It seems like Canidae is loosing, and..... Nora hasn't woken up? 'But what does that mean?'

Maine jogs down the spiral stairs and into the kitchen beside the end of the stairs. "Mum I think Noras in trouble!" Maine blurts making her mother drop the plaits.

Din gives her daughter a dead-pan look and crosses her arms "I told you not to mention your sister here." She muttered

"I know but listen, something must of happened, read!!" Maine shoved the paper into her mothers chest. Din raised her brow and skimmed threw, the only thing changing on her face was her frown as she seemed more concerned. "See?" Maine pleaded

Din sighed and put the paper on the desk only for Aunt Carol to snatch it up and read. "There's nothing we can do Mainie. She's in Canidae and we are in Felenae. Plus I don't want you running into a Serpantae war, you know what they can do." She shook her head as if she herself where planning something. "Go eat dinner." Din walked to the home phone in the kitchen wall.

Maine sat down and poked her mash potato with her fork. Aunt Carols eyes where burning into her skin, she could feel her gaze without even looking. Maine looked up at her only to get; "She's a tough girl, I'm sure she's just resting or something, the news is always so vague anyways dear. I'm sure-"

Din walks back into the dining room, and sits down. "Eat then go to bed, it's late." She said with a dead tone. Maine shook her head in annoyance and pushed the plate forward and headed upstairs to her room. She lays down on her bed and sighed slowly drifting off into sleep.

But dreams plagued Maine's sleep. All she saw was blood, dog and wolf bodies laying on the ground, destroyed wooden houses and huge snakes and people walking side by side. 'This must be Candidae.' Maine turns around and is face to face with a gigantic cobra and her sharp fangs.

Maine gasp awake with a jolt and looks outside her circular window, 'I must go find her, but this storm is getting bad.' Maine peers out of her room and down the hall of light blue walls, creeping to the stairs and all the way down, the suspense was high, one creek and everyone will wake.

Maine chucks her bag over her shoulder and exits the house quietly looking around at the icy dome above her, the mouth of the cave yawning open and wide, they, the people of Felenae, where vulnerable to storms unlike the other Burgs, who where completely sealed shut, water weilders being the only ones who can open and close the walls. In Felenae, they where a water wielder short of a village. Maine could smell the icy cold walls and the herbs and spices from down the road, although the sent was faint, it still lingered in the Burg.

Maine takes off her glasses and slips them into the frount pocket of her red bag. She smiled and shifted into her feline, a Maine Coon, she was rather proud of her form, much stronger than her mothers silver Tabby she-cat and Aunt Carols undersized Toisteshell. But her friend is much stronger being a snow leopard. Maine held her backpack in her jaws and pelted threw the streets to the opening, nothings stopping her now.


Nora was protector of Canidae, it was hard with all the Serpentae warriors slithering up to the boarder. It was the beginning of the war between the Burgs. Nora, a canine shifter, second rarest of forms to take behind the feline shifters. She had lived with her farther, but he was aggressive, so she moved out and lived on her own.

Nora looks across the southern boarder, the next wave of Serpantine warriors will be due to slither apon the sun set. Suddenly, a shadow crawls across the pink snow reflecting the sky, a Serpantae warrior. Nora thought there would have been more, then dozens of shadows turned the pink snow black, drowning the white sea in despair.

"I need backup, repeat, i need backup!!" Nora called to her ear peace in her ear. Nora instantly shifts into her rare mouse brown wolf, her fur rising as she draws back her lips to a snarl. Serpantae have a abundance of shifters due to their stupid breeding program. Now people like Nora have to deal with their over grown population.

She lunges and rips out the throat of the first warrior, then pivot and thump the other one in the head with my giant paw, behind her one hisses and coils back ready to bite Nora swings around and picks it up with her teeth and uses it to whack the others surrounding her.

Nora looks to the corner of her eye and see one snakeing in. She dashes forward and throws the serpant away with a snarl. "Wheres my Backup?!?!" Nora growls in fear, there are too many now, 'I preferred my first thought of just one.' Nora feared for her already destroyed Burg, her people she was supposed to protect, 'What if i failed?'

She whips around and holds one down with her paw and claw another one on its scaly snout, Nora roars in anger and bites the one she was holding down dead. She lunges forward but as she dose, her front left foot snags on something sharp.

Tears welled Noras eyes in pain and fear, she knew what had happened, she snaps around and rips the snake off of her foot and whacks another on the head snapping his neck. Finally Nora sees her back up, Mandy, a white fox, Jhon, a blue-grey ridgeback dog and Leah, a white wolf. Leah pads over to Nora and sniffs her "Are you hurt?" she asks

Nora struggles to keep a clear vision, swaying with dizziness "I was bit." Nora whines. She look at her paw and sees black poison well from the blood vessel. Nora looks at Leah, shes saying something, but Nora cant hear her. Noras vision goes black as she weaves threw consciousness and unconsciousness. Nor comes back to the living, she's being dragged by her scruff back home. Nora awakes the second time, she's on a bed in her human form, lights blinking above her as the bed is moved at high speed threw the hospital. and then.... she didn't wake up at all.

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