Push to the limit part 1

Start from the beginning

General POV: The first color of the episode was an engine call and they called to a house where the couch caught on fire and the fire that lives there was trapped so once they saved her Herman and his team did their overhaul Herman looked under the couch  and notice that person who made the couch that caught on fire so fast was the same company that made the mattress that was in the factory that killed Otis. So Herman told Matt and the chief about  the issue and Herman decide he wanted to talk to the ceo of the company and Matt decide to come along when they when to talk to him. But when they showed up the ceo was busy so Herman came up with a  plan of waiting outside the building until he came out and he call the whole firehouse to join him

CR= hey how long you been here Lieutenant
H= oh hour number four
MC= any activity
H= not much they think they can outlast me
M= well then they definitely don't know who they are dealing with
CR= so we just sit here
M= oh this is nothing you should've seen Herman when we had this graffiti artist that was tagging at 51
H= hup here we go
SG= I said you gotta go  and instead you bring friends are you trying to get me fired
H= we're not going anywhere until your CEO comes out here and talks to me
SG= you can't sit here it's private  properly
H= what's your name pal
SG= Marvin
H= all right listen I know that you're just trying to do your job Marvin and you seem like a great guy I would be happy to buy you a beer someday when you're off duty but let me be clear we  were all firefighters here and we all well practice at sitting around so we are not leaving until we get to talk to your CEO
( Marvin walks away and Kelly come)
K= hey got your message
H= hey thanks for coming
K= sure
WS= is this what you guys do on your days off
M= yeah pretty much
K= um everyone this is Wendy Seager, Seager this is everyone
H= hey Seager
MC= so you're the one who stole my best Lieutenant
H= hey!!!
MC= squad Lieutenant
WS= all right  guilty as  charged but hey maybe you'll get him back Someday ( everyone boos) or maybe not with that attitude
EF= hey you got any water in that cooler
CZ= yeah. ( toss her a water)
EF= thanks
SB= what did the Academy say
EF= uh nothing Open so I'm still looking
H= where is Stella
S= somebody say my name ( everyone cheers)
MC= hey kiddo
S= my legs are about to fail off
CZ= oh that's a shame I was hoping that you could demonstrate some mountain climbers for us
S= don't even joke ( laughs)
H= Marvin
SG= look I'm just telling you that you're wasting your time all right  Mr. Carrington is in Toledo on a business trip but work here and I did not tell you guys he's back next Wednesday
H= I really appreciate that next time though no lawn  chairs all right I just got to figure out a way to go bigger
SG= don't do anything crazy
H= yeah okay guys let's pack it up we're moving on to Plan B
BG= Whoa what's plan B
H= uh do some brainstorming over at Molly's 15% off all tap been okay .... oh and that's discount applies to you too Marvin
  They head off to Molly's to brainstorm some ideas to get the ceo attention  for Wednesday 

Stella's POV: after a while for brainstorming  some ideas we couldn't come up with any so we all head home once I get home I felt so tried so I head straight to bed and once my head hit the pillow I fall asleep. The next morning  what is a shift day so I get up and head to work. I still felt pretty tired from teaching all the classes and working a full shift but I don't think nothing of it at first because I'm just a little tied up working a little extra. When I get to work I decided to grab cup of coffee to try to wake me up within five minutes the bells go off. The call was about some dude that pinned underneath a big heavy sign so Casey had truck try and lift the sign up so that Brett and Emily can slide him out all of sudden I zoned out where I couldn't move or hear Casey yell my name once I focus I could tell he was mad at me. Once the guy was with Emily and Brett I try to say sorry to Casey for my actions and he didn't want it so  we cleaned the street up and head back to the firehouse and I decide to try again to say sorry again to Casey 

S= Captain I'm just wanted to say I'm real  sorry about my performance on the call today
MC= What am I supposed to put in the report you spaced out, that mouch was quicker than you
S= it won't happen again
MC= i'm already training one new firefighter  can't be  training two
S= I understand
MC= whatever you got going on in your life don't carry it with you on the truck when those bells go off you are ready,  you are prepared, you are focus every single time do I make myself clear
S= yes captain
MC= dismissed

I walk away from Casey's office and head to the bathroom to put some water on my face and then I head back to my bed so I can think about how I need to work with my new schedule that's going on. It's in the shift and I am sitting on a bench when Emily and Brett walked by me

EF= yo what's up
S= what
EF= your  locker's  over there
S= yeah no uh Cruz and mouch were  taking up the whole bench so I just
SB= are you okay
S=Yeah yeah
EF= well make sure you don't miss my first spin class I'm gonna have bodies dropping in T minus two hours
SB=I'll be there
S= yeah I think I'm gonna um good luck I just gonna catch a few winks
EF= all right no problem get some rest

Once I left the firehouse I head straight home to get some rest. When I walk in the door I see Kelly sitting on the couch

K= hey
S= hi ( sits down on the couch)
K= morning sunshine ( kiss her)
S= do I look like a zombie because I feel like one
K= A hot zombie  maybe ( laughs) if you want to take that shit off and get some rest then do it
S= no way.... no chief is giving me all these amazing opportunities and I'm I just don't want him to think I don't have the goods
K= he won't he'll think you're human
S= i'm not missing a shift all I Gotta do is get a solid power nap and I'm fine  ( they kiss and laugh) i'll see you on the other side

Stella gets up and walks to the bedroom while Kelly has a worried look on his face

General POV; Herman finally talk to the CEO about changing the materials in his products so that nobody else dies because of the furniture

Authors note: Who else thought that Matt was being a little mean towards Stella like shouldn't he know that she is working overtime at the Academy and at the firehouse since he lives with Stella and Kelly. Especially since Cruz knew what she was doing. Also loved when Matt said my favorite lieutenant as in Kelly and Herman thought Matt didn't like him as much but it was a joke and he meant squad Lieutenant.

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