Recital Rage

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Heather's POV:

Just a few weeks after my ninth birthday, I had my last dance recital that season.
   "Heather, it's time to go to the recital!" My mom would say, opening a red sedan my parents had with her keys.
   "Okay, Mom. I won't be late!" I stepped outside of the house wearing a royal blue tutu dress and my hair styled in a ponytail with soft curls cascading down my back, along with a short piece of my hair sweeping to the right side.
   "You look so pretty in that dress." She took a picture with a camera instead of a phone (we couldn't afford the new phones my friends had since my parents struggled to be paid equally). I asked her to skip the photo since I don't always like being photographed.
   "What's wrong?"
   "I just want to go to the recital." I hopped in the back and went to my booster seat. While in the car, Mom drove me to Nymphus City High School instead of my usual studio.
   "What's that?" I asked again.
   "That's your high school."
   "You gotta be kidding me."
   "No, this is going to be your school. It just seems a bit big to you."
"The stage is so beautiful!" I pointed at the colorful lights that displayed near the red curtains.
"But we have to go backstage."
"I like the lights, can they change to a rainbow?" I kept staring at the stage until I went backstage to a vanity, observing the other performers in pretty wild costumes. Well, I was really anxious because crowds do annoy me sometimes. Just then, we've all waited for so long before the emcees called each of us up on stage, performing the artistic routines that wowed the audience.
When it was my turn to take the stage, I was drinking a bottle of water and shaking repeatedly, unaware of what would happen if I messed up.
"Are you nervous?" Someone a few years older than me  asked.
"I wish you good luck."
"You too." I smiled, letting the compliment ease my anxiety. I got called to the stage, performing a ballet routine involving a giant music note, but as I sang at the same time, so many people were shocked to see my talent, cheering really loud as I did a round off back handspring in the middle of the performance. I was actually having a lot of fun moving along, finishing it off with an arabesque pose while holding the music note prop. As more people were cheering, a group of twelve girls of various ages, known as the Fallen Angels Dance Academy, were called up after my turn on the stage.
Anonymous POV:

During that time the twelve dancers performed, everything started to go wrong when the music first skipped. Then, as it was still buffering, the girls did their routine as usual, but as two of them tried to do aerials, they crashed to each other before doing so. Several background props later fell like dominoes lined up in a row, breaking into pieces after one of them accidentally hit her foot. At the front of the stage, there were two toddlers fighting over the spot on whose turn to dance, but as a teenager slipped after leaping to the front, both of the toddlers fell, but the youngest one lost control and fell a few feet off the stage, hitting her head against the floor and started crying really loud. Other than the six mentioned, one forgot her solo and ran off stage as three of the other ones toppled against each other after one of them jumped really high and collapsed over them. The last two dancers ended up fainting and fell asleep, ruining the entire performance. All of a sudden, a mysterious black shadow appeared on stage, indicating that all of the dancers were turned into villains. Immediately, the stage managers took action by announcing that we all have to leave the high school, so it turned out that Darkbird casted a spell on them.
Melanya's POV:

"Come on, girls, we need to film the YinYang dance outside!" I bossed around my friends in my room in the Sandfall Palace, scaring them to follow my orders.
"No, can I stay inside? I have eczema from being in the sun for too long." Eve whined while showing a rash on her arm.
"That's a sunburn. Eve, you need some sunscreen next time." Naomi corrected her.
"But that will sting my arm so bad!"
"That's fine with me." I shrugged everything off. "We're gonna have more fun without you anyway."
"Never mind, please let me in!" Eve begged and changed her mind.
"Melanya!" Adrielle called me.
"Aren't we going to wear your pretty dresses?"
"No, they're my dresses. I don't want a single piece of germ touching my beautiful things!"
"You probably washed those dresses, so it's fine."
"We're your friends, remember that?"
"Alright. But only in this video, we will be dancing in my pageant dresses, but I'm not your friend anymore if you get them dirty."
"I choose the pink one!" Adrielle took out an embellished cami top with a short ombré cupcake tutu, which I competed in when I performed a Prairina themed routine.
"I want the blue one!" Naomi selected a blue off shoulder top and a high low skirt that is still short enough to not touch the ground. I competed in that one when there was a winter themed pageant.
"Can I get this one?" Eve went for a yellow babydoll dress with one lacy long sleeve with some feathers stuck to it, which was the dress I wore as a bird in a nest.
And what about me? Of course I chose a lavender one shoulder dress, which was my favorite one out of all of the others. While we got our tiaras to dance as princesses on YinYang, Eve ruined the video by dancing inappropriately, but to our shock, my mom was watering the plants and stopped to join in on our fun, encouraging that awkward behavior my friend was doing.
   "You should be a queen when you grow up!" Adrielle jumped up and down.
   "Yeah, but I need my own kingdom first!" She demanded, standing on top of a soapbox. "I'll take you guys to be my servants."
"No, I'm the queen!" I argued back to Eve, stirring in much tension. "You can't overrule me!"
"If I were the queen, I'd definitely not allow twerking on camera. It's so gross, I tell you." Naomi exaggerated.
"Seriously? What I did was a dance move, I don't see anything wrong with it." Eve denied.
"I agree, people do that all the ti—" Adrielle screamed in horror afterwards after a salsa dancing villain grabbed her body and dragged her away from the palace.
"Adrielle!" Naomi ran after her, trying to save her before getting taken by a hip hop dancing villain.
   "Mommy!" I had to run after to let Mom protect me from getting kidnapped by dancing villains. "Save me!"
   "You should've filmed indoors."
   "Sorry, and I can't ruin those flowers anymore." I looked around the garden and some of them were wilted and others were plucked off. Then, I heard a sizzle behind a ratty green bush that raised many questions. As I peeked into there, nothing happened. Again, I repeated and looked near a small waterfall, and Eve was picking off all of the flowers and kept biting onto the stem when all of the petals were removed. She said, "He loves me, he loves me not..." and somehow, I started to suspect that she was seeing somebody, which was forbidden in my clique. I also glared at her angrily but because she was my first friend that I trusted, I decided to do nothing about it. She is going to get her karma one day...
Heather's POV:

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