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Kai's POV:

   It was just another day after a long amount of hours of sleep. Mom decided that it was best for me to take a day off from preschool to check out at the doctors.
  After many hours there, Dr. Kilburn diagnosed me with a term I didn't understand, which was called gender dysphoria. So here was the story on why I had that.
   I was assigned to be a girl at birth, according to Dad. As I grew up, I hated wearing the typical clothes that a girl would wear, so I was comfortable with wearing whatever's masculine. My body was not the type of what I lived in, so sometimes I hid myself and tried finding a gender neutral bathroom to stay away from as many people as possible in there. Even with the media around me, sometimes I proudly admit, "Mama, Dada, I'm a boy!"
"No, Kai. You're a girl." They disagreed.
"No, I'm a boy."
   Without a doubt, I was screaming on the top of my lungs every time. One day at the doctor's office, everyone was staring at me, still throwing a tantrum as I was lying across the floor and tossing the waiting room toys out of the box. The other kids were still taking the toys and playing with them.
"And next up, Kai Nguyen..."
The doctors called up my name as my parents and I stopped screaming. However, I was unable to tell much detail on what happened as I focused on fidgeting with a few dolls around during the meet.
   "Based on the answers you gave me, I would suspect that your child might have gender dysphoria. It's a condition that your assigned gender doesn't correspond to who you are." The doctor claimed.
   "I don't understand. I've always wanted to raise a daughter on my own, but I expected her to wear dresses and play with some dolls."
   "That's enforcing your daughter into gendered stereotypes. If she doesn't have a desire to change into a girl, but prefers all things that were considered boyish, so be it. She is considered a tomboy. If she wants to change into your son, that's a completely different story. Most of these cases grow out quickly, but Kai's case may be tough to handle. Either way, it's true that a lot of boys and girls can run around in the dirt and still wear tutus. They're all fans of the mythical spirits because it combines superheroes and fairytales together, and as a result, both genders nowadays are playing together at Kai's age while mixing their childhood preferences."
   "Call me a 'he', not a 'she'!" I interrupted the talk between Mom and the doctor, sticking out my tongue. Mom shushed me afterwards, telling me, "Go play with your dolls, Kai. I'm in the middle of talking."
"No!" I threw another hissy fit, causing another scene so intense that Darkbird showed up unexpectedly. As he pulled me aside from Mom and the doctor, I was still screaming and crying for help, but Darkbird cursed both of them. He talked to me privately, asking me why I was crying.
   "Hello there. Why are you so upset?"
   "I want to be a boy, but Mommy said I'm a girl. That's just not fair!"
   "Aww, I'm sorry to know that. What's your name and how old are you? I'll help you with the perfect trap."
   "My name is Kai, and I'm 4 years old."
   "Kai, here's your plan. As Genderbender, you are able to change anyone into the opposite gender. That means that any boy can change into a girl and a girl can change into a boy. Take the constellions as fast as possible, all sixteen of them from the spirits. Promise?"
   "Yes." I turned into Genderbender, ready to start my mission.
Terry's POV:

When I struggled controlling my feelings about Snow Frost, I didn't know what'd happened. Sometimes, I was being teased for wearing skirts at school and crushing on a spirit that doesn't know my identity by very few of my classmates when my friends aren't around, but not as much as when I first got to preschool. Especially that Bigfoot who can't control his issues. The thing is, I don't want to change into a girl, but I just feel comfortable in my skirts and playing with dolls while also playing cars and legos with my dudes. So what's the preschool story?
When I was 4, inside a noisy classroom, I was playing with a toy car in peace, pretending to make any moving sounds. I was also wearing a tutu from a dress up chest, but it confused some people. I told the kids, "I'm just happy the way I am." Meanwhile, Bigfoot stole the toy car from me, claiming that it's his.
   "It's my toy! Let me play!" I screamed first, taking the car away.
   "No, it's mine!" Bigfoot pulled it back, but I held it even harder.
   "Get your hands off of me!"
   "Let go, stupid!"
   "No, I won't!"
   "Yes, you will."
   "Well if I win, ya owe me a cookie!"
   "Nuh-uh! You're the one that owes me a cookie!"
   "Stop!" A girl classmate next to tried to stop us while she was dressed up as Prairina, pretending to zap a wand. "You people need to be quiet!"
   The fight was causing the car to break into several pieces, so he started crying, attracting a lot of attention in the classroom.
   "That was my 50 vern limited edition car, you tutu loser!" He slapped me in the face, taking the broken pieces of the car with him. I was also bursting into tears, not knowing what to do. All of my classmates were expressing mixed feelings from shock to laughter. The preschool teacher, whom I don't remember his name, finally talked to both of us that sharing is caring.
   "I see him everywhere on the roads, why isn't he nice?" I asked him first.
   "Deron is a fashion model, but sometimes it's maybe bad parenting, but that's not the excuse that you and him had a fight." The teacher replied.
   "That scary boy ruined my favorite toy!" Deron screamed even louder.
   "Deron, it's not a big deal. And no, Terry is not scary. We can help you fix the car so you can play with it again."
   "But what if it breaks again?"
"You owe me the next cookie."
"No, it's you, loser!"
"Fine, Bigfoot!"
"I'm talking to both of your parents after this."
Back to the present, that was the moment that haunted me forever because that's how we were enemies. I never told my bros that story, but they all knew they had to stay away from him for his mean attitude.
But one day at school, before classes got cancelled, I was hanging out with my dudes again, complimenting on Raymond's new look and creating the name "5Live Boyz". I mean, he was starting to look like another nice rich kid with Josh's jacket and Charlie's beret combined into one. I was actually staring at him the entire time in our conversation until a new villain arrived near my school, cancelling all of the classes today.
   "Attention, Harvernans! Another villain has been going on the loose! Find another shelter to hide in as quick as possible, and stay safe!" An echoed call from Snow Frost announced.
   "Oh my god, it's Snow Frost!" I drooled and stared at him the entire time while trying to escape from the school. Wait, that ain't him. I realized that's a girl. Could a new owner take over Snow Frost? At the nearest grocery store bathroom, nobody was around so I decided to get Alfred out again.
   "Alfred, why's Snow Frost a girl?"
   "It may be somebody taking over as the previous owner died."
   "That ain't true! Snow Frost's dead? There's literally a villain that came to school!"
   "So that means that Snow Frost isn't dead. He's cursed by that villain, which turned him into a girl."
   "That made a lot of sense. Mythical Spirits, begin the story!" Running from the bathroom as Gnoblin, the shoppers that exited the store praised me for being me that's about to save the world and stop that villain. But halfway through my run, a white light beam struck my tail, turning me into a girl. Screaming in pain after seeing myself in the window reflection, I continued running as fast as possible, using my earth powers to defend myself.
   "Flower shield!" I created a border that I could run without being defeated. Oh no! Did my voice change, too? Outside, I first found Snow Frost, but a girl version of him. I released my shield, asking the superhero.
   "What happened to you?"
   "What happened to you?"
   "I don't know." Both of us answered at the same time.
   "For today, call me Frozelsa."
   "Pleased to meet you, I'm Gaiablin." I shook her hands and hugged her as well. "Say, where's the others?"
   "Follow me!" We headed down merrily to catch up with our teammates.
Meredith's POV:

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