A Twist in Time

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Raymond's POV:

   On the day I turned nine, I discovered a moment inside me that had been forgotten for an extremely long time.
It was only past midnight, and I was having trouble sleeping. Strange noises were screaming around my neighborhood. Then, that same noise went closer to my house, and I was unable to prevent the sound from coming closer. My husky woke up and shone his aura over me, licking my face. My eyes were squinting, seeing only nothing but just my room.
"Happy birthday, Raymond." Tripp whispered.
"Thank you, but not now, Tripp. I'm still sleeping." I yawned and still fell asleep. The noise was audible in my room, and that's when I knew, it needed me for a reason. So carelessly, I woke up and checked outside my window sill. I'm still trying to find out who that noise was. However, the reality was that it's all just a dream. It better not haunt me. Mom and Charlotte will know that I will disappear if I was kidnapped. What am I gonna do though?
I rubbed my eyes with my natural arm. All I saw was nothing again. Almost ready to give up dreaming again, I decided to fall asleep one more time, but this time, I felt an invisible person other than Tripp stripping the sheets off of my bed, but I asked myself in my head, Is Mom really waking me up in the middle of the night? That's strange. Just as I was snuggling with Tripp like a teddy bear, kissing him near his ear, that's when I screamed as a ghost grabbed my torso, taking me away to another dimension.
   "Mom! Charlotte! Help!" It was too late for them to find out.
   More hours of sleeping passed, and I ended up finding myself nowhere, except the ghost was creepily calling me, "Raymond. My son."
   "Who are you? Some kind of stranger or something?"
   "No, I am your father."
   "Dad?" I started sweating down through my face and my back, realizing that I was still in my pajamas without my prosthetic arm. "Why did you take me here? You should be in heaven with God taking care of you."
   "I'm here to help you get back to the past on what happened."
"Why? I don't even remember."
"It had to do something with your left arm."
"No! I'm not ready to hear the past. Please, I need to go back to sleep!" I begged my ghost dad strongly.
   "I had no choice but to find you, my little ray of sunshine. It all started when I had to take you with me on a plane ride back home. My wife and your sister were also there, too. As the plane was flying, there was a crash that led it to fall somewhere that was not home. Many people were killed there, including me."
"I know that, but what about me?"
"The plane went into flames, so most of us were stuck there. Some of the passengers, including your mom and Charlotte, miraculously survived without injuries. I was glad you were able to live the life that I gave up for you."
"Stop! You're making this story even sadder!" I was furiously shouting at him.
   "Shh, hey, it's okay, Raymond. You were my lucky son. Even if your left arm was burned in the plane's fire."
   "Shut up! I don't believe it." I screamed even more. "And no, you're not my father! Don't you know he's dead?"
   "Believe me. I am your father. I'm just now living as an angel in an invisible disguise."
   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again in high pitch, unaware that Tripp was with me the whole time. I softly spoke to my dog, "Tripp, did you get my constellions ready?"
   "Here." I grabbed my new prosthetic arm with the same ring on it and secured it to my body. I snatched the umbrella as well, calling out my transformation. "Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Charles's POV:

   There was an ongoing news rumor spreading around the city that Raymond unusually disappeared and was last seen at his house. So that was the second time he missed school, which was devastating for me and my other three dudes. Many classes later, after a lot of girls were trying to chase me to notice them and the teachers keep repeating the same content over and over, I decided to talk to my dudes about where Raymond is.
"Where could Ray be? I even brought him a small gift because today's his birthday." I started the conversation with them.
"Same here. I just can't accept the fact that he's gone. I hope that the spirits get to save our boy soon. This isn't what we're all ready for." Terry had a pensive face on him.
"Dude, I'm crossing my fingers and thinking the same thing, too, you know." Braxton wrapped his arm around Terry's shoulder.
"I can't imagine myself getting kidnapped on a special day!" Terry raised his hands, quietly yelling at us.
"Well, you won't know what's going to happen next." Braxton pouted sincerely.
"On the bright side, maybe Raymond wasn't affected by Darkbird at all. He will return at some point, but it might be just another ghost-napping." Joshua wrapped around me, telling a conspiracy that'll most likely happen.
"Sure thing, but I don't think he'll ever make it. That means I won't be able to give him a beret that my mother made after all." I disagreed with Josh, leading to a group hug. "Do you guys live near his neighborhood?"
   "Not next door, but I'm a block away." Braxton claimed.
Suddenly, I noticed that Darkbird and a bunch of ghosts were attacking Wereport on the other side of the city near my school. Everyone had to leave early to prevent any curses from spreading to them.
Later that day after telling my parents that I was fine at school, I headed to my room and got Blaze out of the box.
   "Charlie, has anything happened?"
   "Well, my friend is in trouble and I don't know where to find him."
   "Ghost-napping has already been controversial over the years. Some see it as a crime, but most of the time it's because most cases involve angels leaving heaven to visit their other generations. Other cases have actual demons capturing people and rarer cases involve fallen angels."
"This is crazy, Blaze! Are we even living in a haunted place?"
"Not exactly. Spirits like you and me could be ghosts themselves, but they're the superhero ghosts."
"That doesn't make sense. Angels seeing us is a good thing. It's actually a sign of luck."
"Never mind, you're right. I could be just stupid sometimes. But I bet you should give me another one of those piperades or some enchiladas on the go!"
"I have some hot Cheetos for you to try." I handed Blaze an unopened bag of Cheetos, helping him open it. He snatched the longest piece in the package and took it in one bite, exploding into a fire of happiness and then turning back into himself.
"Oh man, that felt good for me. Now let's save your ray of sunshine friend!"
"Alright, Blaze!" I squeezed him in my arms. "Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Terry's POV:

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