20. Family Ties

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After training we walked on the bridge above the pit. The usual dark crowd now had pops of blue, white, orange, and even grey. Everyone was excited to see their family. I decided to head back to the training room and hang out with Tobias.

"Theo!" Christina called. I turned around and saw her waving from the Pit. She was waving me over and I made my way into the Pit. I met Christina's mom and little sister. Will also introduced me to his older sister. I was surprised to see Tris's mom come to visit.

"Theodora" Natalie Prior had wrapped her arms around me and I froze. "I'm glad to see you're doing well" her words and expression was comforting. She raised a hand to my cheek. "Your mother would be proud of you and Tobias."

"Thank you" Natalie pulled me in again to say goodbye. I said goodbye to everyone's family and decided to look for Tobias.

"Theodora" his voice made me stop in my tracks. I knew it was him before I saw him. "My darling daughter." His arms wrapped themselves around me and embraced me gently. "Look how strong you are" I said nothing. I was frozen in fear of what he would do. "Come let's go find your brother." He gripped my arm tightly and pushed me forward. I squirmed under his hand and we exited the Pit. We walked into an empty room and he threw me forward.

"Stop!" I put my defensively hands up in front of me.

"You think this is a game?!" Marcus twisted my wrist. "You and your worthless brother embarrassed me for the last time. Everyone thinks I am a monster!"

"You are!" I screamed. He slapped me with the back of his hand. Then quickly gripped the hair on top of my head pulling me closer to him. I froze. I have fought everyday against people who had used this very move. I knew how to get out of it, but I couldn't move. I felt like that weak little girl I used to be.

"You children could never appreciate what I did for you! Everyday was a lesson! It was for your own good!" He raised his hand again when he was interrupted by the door being slammed open. Eric charged in and ripped Marcus off of me and into the table by the door.

"I'm afraid you have overstayed your welcome Marcus." Eric stood in front of me protectively. "I ask you leave the premises immediately."

"You can't treat me this way-"

"I can and you are here by banned from Dauntless headquarters. I will not have you assaulting anymore members of my faction." Eric closed the gap between him and Marcus. "If you ever come near her again, I'll kill you myself." Eric's tone was deadly. "These gentleman will escort you out." Two dauntless soldiers stood outside the door. I could see Marcus glance between us and he opened his mouth to speak before Eric interrupted "Go. Now. I'm done asking nicely." and shoved Marcus toward the door. With that Marcus left and slammed the door behind him. I looked at Eric who had now turned me and placed his hands on either side of my face. He said nothing as he searched for any signs of damage. 

"Come on" Eric lead me away from the crowd that filled the hallways and back to his apartment. I walked in clutching my wrist to me and he pulled me toward the couch. He motioned for my wrist and I gave it to him. He examined it for fractures and worry was spread across his face.

"How did you know?" I finally spoke.

"I saw him enter the compound and I went looking for you." He held my wrist in his hand and his eyes met mine. I was worried that he was just using me to get at Tobias or that he suspected I was divergent. The way he looked at me almost made it seem like he actually cared. 

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. His hand cupped my face to pull me closer. I climbed over him until I was straddling him. His tongue massaged mine and his hands traveled to my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. For a moment I forgot everything else. I only cared about this kiss, about Eric. We broke away from each other to catch our breath and leaned our foreheads together.

"Thank you." I said and Eric kissed me gently on the forehead.

"Anytime" he said smugly.

"No I mean it." I stood up and turned away from him to face the huge window.  "When I was in Abnegation I had always tried to be strong, but at any indication Marcus would beat it out of me." I wrapped my arms around myself. "I was weak for months after Tobias left. Marcus reduced me to a shell of a human." I held myself tighter. "I had force myself to be strong, and remind myself that this was only temporary. For a while I believed what Marcus had told me. That I was weak, I was worthless and belonged in abnegation. I doubted myself everyday, still do. Told myself that I am pretending to be someone or something I could never be." Eric stood up and turned me around. He hand cupped my face and stroked my cheek.

"Theo, you know that's not true"

"Do I? You say that like you know me and you don't Eric. You know nothing except my father is a piece of shit and I have a loud mouth." I pulled away. "You say I have potential, but what if I don't. What if I am wasting your time and mine." I stepped backward. "I'm an abnegation punching bag. I can take a hit, but all I did was cower when Marcus approached me." I felt my eyes sting. "I am weak, how am I supposed to be brave when I can't even defend myself?" Eric had pulled me in and I laid my head on his chest. I didn't expect Eric to say anything. He just held me and stroked my hair. A kind gesture I didn't expect from him. We said nothing for a few minutes and I knew what I needed to do. "I want a tattoo"

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