43. Breaking and Entering

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"He doesn't need to come." Tris said quietly under her breath as we checked our weapons for the last time. 

"He knows computers." I said as I strapped a knife Caleb had found and gave to me. 


"He's coming" I snapped ending this debate. Tris searched my face looking for an ounce of doubt. "We're wasting time" I walked ahead passing where Marcus stood talking to his faction. 

"Be safe. Look out for each other." Marcus looked around as if he was memorizing each of their faces. "Get to Amity." Marcus paused and then turned toward me. "We will get through this." he gave me a comforting smile as I passed by toward the entrance. 

We said nothing as we made our way back to the railroad tracks. In the distance I could see the last of Abnegation run toward Amity, toward safety. 

"What time is it?" Tris asked. 

"Three twelve" Caleb said looking up from his watch. 

"Any second" Tris looked toward me and nodded. "It won't stop. It goes slowly through the city. We'll run next to the car for a few feet and then climb inside." 

The anticipation had me bouncing on the balls of my feet. I need the train to come now. I need to get back to the compound. I need to stop Erudite from ruining everything I've fought so hard for. I need to get my brother back. I need to find Eric.

The train was nearing and my heart raced as it always did. My body reacted and I took off before the others. It had all become automatic at this point. Run, grab the handrail, open the door, and swing inside. A few seconds passed and Tris finally joined me. Caleb, and his father and Marcus followed shortly after. I walked past Marcus on the floor recovering from his hard landing. I resigned myself to stay at the front of the train car and looked out toward the city. The sound of the train muffled the sounds of the city. If I really tried to I could hear the distant screams. 

"I assume you now regret choosing Dauntless," Marcus kept his distance but was still too close. His words were stated as fact and his demeanor was arrogant. "Choosing a faction that started a genocide-" 

I had enough. 

I turned around to face him and Tris was now making her way toward me. I set my shoulders back and stood straight. I refuse to cower or be weak. I am not the same girl that left Abnegation. Nor am I the same girl he encountered on family day. I am the top initiate of Dauntless. I earned my reputation as someone who doesn't back down, as someone who will fight for her spot. I did all of that in spite of him and he needed to see that.

"Understand this Marcus." my voice didn't tremble, I refuse to show any signs of fear. "I will never regret choosing Dauntless, because it got me the fuck away from you." My voice remained unwavering. "You abusive piece of shit. And don't forget for one second why you are here." I stepped closer to him. "Because I allowed you to be. You are not in control here, you merely serve a purpose and once you fulfill that purpose I do not give a fuck what becomes of you." I now stood directly in front of him. "You could fall off this train car right now and I wouldn't bat an eye." His face fell as he sensed the truth in my words. For so long I had wished for illness or a tragic accident to claim him. Growing up I pictured how much better my life would be with him gone. Even now I do. 

"Theod-" he tried to speak but stopped the moment my gun appeared in his face. 

"Theo!" Caleb yelled. 

"You are nothing to me. You are nothing to my brother." The audible click of the gun's safety drove home my point. "Serve your purpose and then fuck off. Understood?" Marcus slowly nodded. I clicked the safety back on and holstered my gun. I looked to the rest of the train car and their expressions varied. Caleb was in shock, his father sadden, and Tris looked enraged. Not at me but at Marcus. The Priors and the range emotions would have to wait as I realized how close we were. 

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