5. Keep Going

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Tris took forever to fall asleep. On a normal night she would have fallen asleep within 30 minutes of her head hitting the pillow. Tonight was different. It was nearly 4 in the morning when I slipped out of the room and walked into the pantry. The actual distance from Amity to the city isn't that far, but I would be taking the cautious route. We all had heard the reports of Dauntless with blue bands patrolling the city in search of three specific individuals wanted for questions related to war crimes and civil unrest.

That meant I had to walk most of the way and as I got closer I could take the train to Erudite. Now that I had some food, and both of my guns I began the walk back to the city. I stuck to the tree line and followed the path from a distance.

It had been so long since I had the chance to appreciate a sunrise. A few years if I remember correctly. After Tobias left the faction I suffered bouts of insomnia. Most of the time it was because I was waiting for Marcus to explode and being asleep was the last thing I wanted to be when that happened. One morning I had made my way to the roof top of our house and let the chilled breeze cool my skin. It was a hot summer night and I couldn't take the heat anymore. I rolled up my sleeves and laid down on the smooth concrete top and fell asleep. I shifted in my sleep and woke up in a panic. I must've slept for an hour or two because the sun had started to lighten the sky.

Shades of yellow, oranges, and blues and purples streaked the sky. I watched as the light grew across the once dark sky. I watched the sunrise fill the world with light and in my sleep deprived self it filled me with hope. Hope that I would make it out alive. Hope that I would be reunited with my brother. Hope that I could live a happy life, a free life.

Now with this sunrise, I felt hope once again. Hope that I would find Eric. Hope that we could be together and put all this bullshit behind us. Hope that I could be happy and free with Eric at my side.

My hopeful thoughts were interrupted by the faint sound of voices ahead. I ducked lower to the ground and moved with intent.

I was nearing the the inner ring of the city, this gate separated the city from the farm land. This was where the train stopped. I could see the train platform in the distance which was not far from the gate. Two vehicles were station at this gate which was not unusual. I could easily slip past the guards by heading further west to where the terrain became rockier. I could find a rocky formation and climb.

I just started to head back when something silver caught my eye.

I did nothing but run back the way I came.

Every step I took wasn't fast enough. I knew soon they would be mobilizing and reach Amity before I would. Yet the sound of the passing trucks had me dropping down hiding into the tall grass. Once they had passed I took off once again. I may not be able to warn them, but I could still try.

I arrived to the outskirts if the Amity compound just as everyone was being funneled into the headquarters. There had to be at least 30 Dauntless and Erudite guards now patrolling the grounds. The silver trucks they brought with them was used to transport multiple prisoners at once. The fact that they brought 4 of those trucks told me that they didn't come for a friendly visit.

I watched as all of Amity walked into headquarters, not a shade of grey was found. They had known somehow that Dauntless was coming, good. I carefully made my way closer to see why they were all being assembled, some of the Erudite had a device and pointed it to everyone's face. Every so often the device would flash and that person was removed from the area.

Was it able to identify factions? No. It wasn't just pulling Abnegation, but Amity too.

I finally found Tobias and Tris. One of the Dauntless guards was making her down the table they sat on. I made my way even closer. I knew this was stupid, I wanted to leave here. I did leave here. But I had to make sure everyone was okay at least.

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