1. Harmony, Peace

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"Fuck" I jumped into the wooden stall as the cold water hit my back. In my old faction, cold showers were a normal thing, so cold water never really bother me. Until I transferred to Dauntless. There I was exposed to hot showers, not just warm but hot. Water so hot it steamed up the room and created this coziness. I missed those showers. I missed a lot of things from Dauntless. But just like this water, cold reality set in to where I was and why I was here. Taking into consideration the 5 minute rule, I allowed my body to relax just for a moment. The past few days I had worked my body to its breaking point. I just needed the cold water to help release some the residual tension.

The cold brown tile stung my bare feet as I reached for the towel. The woman's bathroom was just 2 doors down from the room Tris and I were sharing. We were offered separate rooms, but ever since Edward was attacked during his sleep, I didn't feel comfortable sleeping alone and I got the inclination she felt the same way.

Tris had showered before I did and when I opened the door to our room I didn't expect to see her struggling with scissors in her hand.

"Tris?" I questioned as I shut the door behind me.

"I-I can't find the right angle" She looked at me through the mirror.

"Do you need help?" I moved to the pile of clothes set on my bed. Tris simply shook her head still trying to find the right way to hold the scissors. "I'll get dressed and you'll put the scissors down." I gave her a playful worried expression. Getting used to these clothes were an adjustment all on its own. I went from grey to black and now I'm in a deep red fitted shirt and loose brown pants. I had never worn so much color before.

Tris sat in front of the mirror and handed me the scissors and comb. "Can I ask?" I looked to her reflection with caution. These past two days were the calm after the storm. I had heard Tris in her dreams, cry out for those who were no longer here. This morning she woke up to Will's name on her lips. We both had gone through an ordeal. While I was right next to her as it all happened, my experience didn't compare to hers. In the span of one day she lost both her mother and father. Two people she cared deeply about and shared a bond I would never understand. My mother died when I was still a baby, and my father...

"It's hot" was all she said as I combed down her back hair lining it up with the pieces that were already cut.

"It is hot" I took the hint and nodded. "It hot as balls here." I snipped another section of hair. "I don't know how everyone here is so fucking cheery while sweating buckets." Tris almost laughed. "It make sense that they put a 5 minute limit on their showers since you would need to take a couple a day to wash the dirt and sweat off of you"

"It's not so bad"

"Says the girl who's cutting her hair because it's hot" I scoffed. We both knew the heat wasn't the reason. Tris wanted a change for some reason and as her friend I was there to support her. She shot me an accusing look. "Tilt your head down" I push her head downward. "Otherwise you'll end up with a haircut that looks like you did it yourself" to which she argued that she wasn't doing so bad.

I tried my best to make sure it was all parallel and somewhat neat. There were some spots of no return, those I do not take credit for. I looked at my handy work as we walked down the hallway of the Amity compound in search of food.

Everything was wood. It was bright and filled with life. This faction had to be on some kind of drug to be this cheery and happy living in a garden gnome's fantasy. I can't believe I ever considered almost choosing Amity. When Tobias and I were planning which faction to transfer too Amity was the other option. My reasoning was it seemed peaceful. And I figured we had deserved a life of peace. Dauntless only won over being as Marcus had little to no affiliation with Dauntless compared to Amity. Growing up Marcus would bring us along with him to discuss food distribution toward the factionless, and to see Johanna.

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