19. Visitation Day

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It was visitation day. I never got to visit Tobias in the 2 years he was gone. I doubt that Marcus would come, especially with the rumors being spread about abnegation. I left for breakfast earlier than usual. I sat at an empty table and placed some toast and bacon on my plate. As I picked up a piece of bacon a muscular hand picked it from my fork. Recognizing the tattoos as Eric's I rolled my eyes as he sat across from me.

"Can't you get your own bacon?" I reached for another one to replace the one he stole.

"Why would I when I can take yours" He smirked "Do you know that bacon is amazing in grilled cheese?" he winked and then attempted to steal another piece but I caught his wrist and pried the bacon from his fingertips. I ate the bacon proudly. He grinned as he fixed himself a plate.

"Shouldn't you be sitting with all the other leaders somewhere?" I asked as I picked up a piece of toast.

"You're funny." He said through a mouthful of bacon.

"You're an asshole." I mimicked his tone and he shot me a confused look. "Oh sorry I thought we were stating the obvious" I took a bite of my toast and he snickered.

"See funny" he tossed bacon into his mouth and chewed. "I have a hard time believing your actually from Abnegation. Four and the other initiate, typical Abnegation, quiet and serious." He lifted his cup and took a sip. "You're different"

"That's because I'm dauntless" I reached over and stole one of his pieces of bacon.

"I see that" he took another sip of coffee and lifted his eyes to meet mine. For a few moments we said nothing.

"Eric" Tobias voice beside made me look away. I didn't even hear him sit down. "Are we making it a point to eat with initiates now?" Eric shifted his gaze from me to Tobias.

"Only when they're beautiful like Theo here" He looked back at me and gave me a suggestive wink. I noticed Tobias tense beside me and grip his fork. I shook my head in my cup. He was trying to get under Tobias' skin. Now that he knows he's my brother, he would try and make him uncomfortable. "Don't you think so Four?" Eric pushed further and I shot him warning glance that he just smirked at.

"She an initiate, practically a child." Tobias snapped. A child? Is that really how he sees me? I know I am his sister, but there was truth to his words.

"I'm not a child." Tobias glanced toward me.

"See she's not a child. Hey Theo, do you want to go on a date tonight?" Tobias' knuckles had turned white. I was annoyed with Eric and what he was doing. "I'll make it worth your while"

"Nothing you could ever offer me would make me say yes." I threw a piece of toast back on my plate. The room had increasingly gotten louder. I looked back at Eric whose smile got wider.

"What if I made you a grilled cheese?" Eric offered as I snorted. Tobias examined the conversation between us like he was trying to see a physical connection between us.

"I don't think it's appropriate to be give private training sessions and dating her." Tobias stabbed his eggs.

"Who says the training sessions aren't dates." Eric rebutted.

"Ok stop, the both of you. Eric knows you're my brother and Tobias knows you're training me. He's just saying things to get under your skin Tobias." Eric flashed him a smile.

"How?" asked Tobias in a harsh tone.

"I figured it out after her fight with Peter" He stole another piece of bacon. "I'm assuming you tampered with the records to keep the relationship hidden. Smart move." Eric took a sip out of his cup. "I won't say anything to Max since we're such good friends, right Four?"

"Well it doesn't matter now that today is the last day of the first stage. I guess she won't be needing lessons from you anymore." Tobias tore into his bread and glared at Eric.

"Wells that's for Theo to decide, isn't it?" Eric looked at me and Tobias did the same.

"Hey Theo!" Zeke plopped down next to me.

"Oh thank god." I smiled at Zeke. "Good morning Zeke, how are you!?" I asked enthusiastically and avoided the tense conversation next to me. Eric left shortly after and I knew Tobias was upset and wanted to talk to me, but he never would in public. We eventually started the day with training where we would fight our last fight in the physical stage of initiation. I was matched against Al. I knew that this was a fight I could win. Al may have won the very first fight but he had lost every single one after it. It didn't take long to beat him. I felt guilty and I delivered the last blow to his temple and guilt rang through me.

Eric ended training with "It is best not to seem too attached. That will make it easier for you and easier for them. We take the phrase 'Faction before Blood' seriously around here. Attachment to your family suggests you aren't entirely pleased with your faction, which would be shameful. Understand?"

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