2. Smack

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"Am I interrupting something?" I asked looked at the very awkward looking Caleb stand in front of my brother who had an amused look on his face.

"Caleb was just about to give me the big brother speech" Tobias smirked as he sat up straight.

"No" Caleb rushed out "I just wanted to talk to you about Beatrice" I'll admit his flustered face made him adorable.

"Oh don't stop on my account then" I went and sat next to Tobias. "you may begin" I prompted with my hand.

"Not with you here" Caleb explained.

"You know Tobias..." I tapped my chin "After Caleb finishes his speech you should give him yours, since we did used to date" I motioned between Caleb and I as a wicked smile appeared on my face.

"What?" Caleb questioned confused.

"That's right" Tobias stood up towering over Caleb. "What was your intention with dating my baby sister Prior? Were they honorable?" Tobias rested his hands on his hips and stood like the Dauntless he was. "What made you think you were worthy of dating her? Did you really think you could just date my sister and not have to answer these questions? Answer me Prior!" I could see how this intimidation had an effect on Caleb whose face had started to get a tinge of red.

"I ask you the same questions about Beatrice" Caleb found the courage to attempt to match his energy.

"I asked you first" Tobias said.

"I was going to ask you, before you asked me" Caleb defended.

"So just because you had the intent I should answer your questions first even though I asked said questions first?"

"You guys should just fight and whichever brother loses has to answer the questions" I said resting my head on my fist.

"Fine by me" Tobias smirked.

"That's preposterous" Caleb shook his head. "You are trained to fight because of your faction, so therefore I would be at a disadvantage. Perhaps instead we could solve an equation or riddle" he sounded excited at the idea of solving a riddle.

"A riddle?" Tobias and I questioned at the same time. A knock just then had out attention and we watched as Tris creaked open the door and let herself in.

"What's going on?" Tris asked, her eyes shifting to each of us.

"Nothing" Caleb tried to change the subject.

"Caleb came to give Tobias the big brother speech, but then we realized Caleb never got his from Tobias so we were just about to decide on how to decide who gets to answer the questions first" I explained in one breath. Tris just stood there with a puzzled look.

"What?" she said again and I sighed.

"Never mind, what's up Tris?" I leaned back against the wall. "Where were you? I went looking for you and you weren't in our room"

"I was looking for you" she said quickly.

"I'm going back to my room." Caleb looked at the three of us. "I'm reading this book about the water-filtration systems. The kid who gave it to me looked like I was crazy for wanting to read it. I think it's supposed to be a repair manual, but it's fascinating" And there was the Caleb I knew. The same Caleb that found something of interest and would ramble on in way that was more to himself than to me. I can't believe that I didn't see he was anything but Erudite before. "Sorry, you probably think I'm crazy. You're looking at me like I'm crazy"

"Not at all" Tobias said with mock sincerity. "Maybe Tris should read the repair manual too"

"Honestly yea Tris." I nodded. "I remember how much you loved to read about the water of the chasm in Dauntless. This sounds like its right up your alley"

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