Drunk Texting

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Ahmad in multimedia
Chapter 12


I made my way over to my mothers house to get something to eat before I head to the studio. It was like seven at night. Its been almost a week and Starr isn't home cooking me food. I wouldn't say I regret having sex with Nia, because she got some good but I do regret hurting Starr. Even though she fucked up by talking to that one dude, she didn't cheat on me.

I made my way up to the porch and knocked lightly on the door. My mother opened and had the meanest mug on her face and I knew Starr had told her. She didn't ever say anything to me she just held the door open. I tried to give her a hug and a kiss but she walked away. I sighed and followed her in the kitchen.

She pointed to the chair at the island with her spatula. "Sit down" she mumbled

I took a seat. "Where my son" I asked looking around.

"Where you think he at. Boy what's wrong with you."

"Nothing, look mom I didn't come here for no lecture. I did what I did and I don't regret it" I said slouching in my seat. This only caused a slap to my face. I held my face as I felt it turned red and looked at my mom like she was crazy. "Boy what the hell is wrong with you. I taught you better then that. YOU THINK ITS CUTE TO CHEAT?" She semi yelled at me.

Ms.Karley walked into the kitchen with her robe. She side eyed me and started making her plate. "Your father used to cheat- lie and disrespect me all that time" She choked back the tears. My mom has been stuck on my father since teenage years but he didn't give a fuck about her or me. But she still care.

I sighed knowing she was right. "Mom she hurt me so bad though when she was with that one nigga" I said above a whisper.

"She didn't HAVE SEX WITH THE MAN FOUR TIMES. Don't try and put this all on her. Yaw both were wrong and need to get it together. Just because she hurts you doesn't mean you have to go and hurt her back. Yaw all suppose to work together" Ms.Karley butted in.

At that moment Starr walked into the kitchen looking worse than ever. Her hair was all over her head, she had on black huge sweats and a polo shirt with Concord 11s on her feet. She put King down and started to walk away. "Starr get in her" Ms Karley called out. Starr walked back into the kitchen standing at a distance.

"I don't wanna deal with this right now, I have to go" She said and turned to walk away again but I hurried and grabbed her arm only causing her to turn around and punch me straight in my face. I saw the tears rush down her face and that immediately broke me. I tried to grabbed her again and she just started punching in my chest. "I hate you" she screamed at me as she started hitting me again. I grabbed her hands pushing her lightly up against the wall.

"I'm sorry, aight." I said to her. She looked at me and tilted her head.

"Bullshit" she snapped out of the grip I was in and walked pass me.

I sighed and grabbed King walking up to the guest room with him. I chilled with him watching Bat Man and he ended up falling asleep on my chest. I got bored and took a picture of us and posted it on Instagram. Captioning it: "My pride and joy, I promise I'll make a better man out my lil one".

After chilling with him for a little bit longer I then went to the studio. Not wanting to see Nia I curved her ass not wanting to deal with her shit right now.

"Baby, fuck her don't let her stress you out" She said behind me rubbing my shoulders.

I nudged her off me. "Fuck off me" I told her trying to.

"I'm just trying to help Ahmad" she tried to reason touching me again.

"I don't want your damn help, your the reason I'm in this shit Tania. If I lose my fucking family-" I stopped before I said something I was going to regret. "You know what just leave brah, I got work to do and you a distraction" I told her.

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