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Chapter 24



I was in my room chilling with my girlfriend Jolina. She was straddling my lap as I texted on my phone. She tried to take it but I had a tight ass grip on it. She stopped and started to get off me but I pulled her down putting my phone to the side in the process. "JoJo" I kissed her cheek and she looked away from me trying not to smile. "JoJo" I whined poking out my lip. She grabbed my face and kissed my lips. I kissed back deepening the kiss adding tongue. She pulled away smiling.

"It's getting late King, I have to go" she said and started to get up. I stood along with her and we walked out of my room. I poked my head in my moms room and she was giggling at my father as he rubbed her feet.

"Jolina is leaving mama" I said and she stopped and looked towards me.

"Ok Cario, make sure you walk her home and tell her bye" she said and I nodded and closed her door back. I grabbed Joes hand and we started walking. Her house was on a different street than mine.

I met Joe after we moved into this gated community like three years ago. We was just friends because we were young but like last year she started getting jealous of my other girlfriends and she finally told me she liked me or whatever and we hit it off. Joe wasn't like them other girls. She was chill, all about her grades. She respected herself as a female and I loved that about her.

I was only fifteen but things with me and Jolina would probably go for a little longer than my other relationships. She was a storyteller, she loved writing. I could listen to her tell me stories every single day.

Jo gripped my hand as we walked down the street and I looked at her crazy. "Did you not hear me" she shouted.

"What girl damn"

"Never mind Antwan" she looked away and I stopped walking. I hated when people called me Antwan the most irritating shit ever. My name was Cario or King or fucking King Cario. I wasn't used to being called Antwan and I didn't like it. It was corny as hell to me.

"Come on boy, I have to get home" she tugged at my arm.

I stared at her trying not to laugh at her attempt to make me move.

"Ok King ok" She said and I smiled. We started walking towards her street and about ten minutes later we were there. She pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around her tightly. I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. She smiled and walked up the stairs to her house. She waved goodbye but I waited until she was all the way in the house before I headed home.

I started walking home and I got lost in my thoughts. My parents were a good example of what I wanted to go through with my girl, but also a terrible day example. I mean they had good times and bad times. With them when everything was good, it was amazing when things between them were bad it was a nightmare. They haven't argued a lot since I was like seven or whatever. They tried to keep it away from me but come on now, we all know I'm way to smart for my own good.

I wasn't much of a talker because I observed a lot. Well now I do, daddy said I had a smart mouth and I talked a lot when I was a baby. I really don't believe it but I guess I'll take his word.

I didn't care what nobody said, mama didn't love daddy like she used to. They tell me stories all the time of how they used to be. How much they really loved each other. But I see it in mamas eyes she don't feel the same no more. I think the only reason she's with my father is because of me. But I didn't care if they were together or not, I wanted my mother to be happy. Only because she was my pride and joy, my biggest fear was losing my momma. Even though I probably looked like I favorited my father, I was a mommas boy at heart. I always knew when she was down or when she was upset, pissed, happy or excited. That was my momma and I swear when I'm old enough, I'll take very good care of her.

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