Gone Girl

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Chapter 18

Nia In Multimedia


His fingers penetrated deep inside me as his tongue worked its way around my breast. I was moaning like crazy. Then at that moment he inserted to fingers. "Damn you so sexy" he groaned.

I didn't say anything I just moaned rhythmically with his fingers. My orgasm was coming to a peek as he continued to shove his fingers in and out of me. But as soon as I was about to cum, my phone began to ring. I let it ring and he continued.

My phone interrupted again. "Fuck" I groaned.

I reached over and grabbed it. "Hello" I said into the phone.

"Mommy, you forgot to pick me up from nanny's, she's going to beat you if you don't get to her" his baby voice melted my heart.

I jumped out of bed with Jordan following behind. "Sorry tell her I forgot, I'll be there in about twenty baby" I said to him.

"Ok mommy" with that he hung up. I pulled my clothes on.

"Do you really have to go I wasn't finished with you" Jordan came up behind me.

God this was wrong, but Jordan made me feel so damn good. We have been having sex every Wednesday, for these past two months. That's the only time I could catch him. After the amazing sex he gave me on his birthday I was addicted to him being inside me. I knew Ahmad was still sleeping with that one bitch. But I didn't care anymore, I was getting dick. So fuck him and what he does. We'd fallen out ever since Jordan's party.

I gave Jordan a juicy kiss then left out. I knew I smelled of sex and I wanted to make sure Ahmad knew that. But every time I come home smelling like sex he just didn't pay enough attention to realize that I was cheating on him. Because I sure in the hell realized he was cheating on me.

But we couldn't end it for the sake of King. I feel as though now that Ahmad is doing whatever I am a better mother to my son. Sometimes it's hard for me, because my mother was never in my life. I realized I was blowing my son off, dropping him off her and there when he needed to be home with me.

As I was speeding to my moms house my phone rung again. It was Ahmad, I answered on the third ring. "What" I said angrily.

"What the fuck are you doing, this the second time you been late, my mom got shit to do"

"Quit being a bitch" I hung on him. It was this bad. We were bad, and we were done. I don't look at him the same.

I parked and rushed up to my mothers house. I opened the door and was caught off guard by my son running into me. "Mommyyy" he cheered.

"Hey little man, what you been up to, you been growing I see" I said sarcastically checking his height.

He laughed. My mom came out the kitchen. I hugged and kissed her. "Hey mother" I said following her into the kitchen.

"Who just gave you some" she asked flipping her burger over.

I covered Kings ears as he stood in front of me. He wiggled a little. "No one" I laughed.

"Mhmm, King go in the living room so I can talk to your momma" she said with her hand on her hip. He ran out from in front of me and I took a seat at the island.

"You reek of sex Starr, and I know it's not from Ahmad, because yaw both fucking around on each other, So please tell me why are you doing this to each other" she asked setting her spatula down staring right at me.

"He cheated on me, causing me to lose my child, he's still cheating on me so obviously he doesn't give a fuck" I mumbled.

"Yaw are both stupid, yaw don't think Cario know what's going on" she paused. I sat up straight then finally looked her in the face. "He comes to me every time I see him 'Nanny, mommy and daddy always fighting' 'Nanny I don't think mommy and daddy love each other' so yaw need to get it together" She tells me.

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