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After having my second child it brought me new views to life. It made me see that another life is beautiful. It made me realize that it was nobodies fault that I lost my last child. I needed to stop blaming Ahmad or myself for that because if God wanted us to have that baby he would've brought me through that pregnancy.

Leila Camri Westbrooks was brought into this world and she was the most beautiful baby ever. I was happy to be raising my second child now that my first was was going to be leaving me in a few years.

I know it's hard for Jordan to see Ahmad come around more to be in Camri's life. But he sucked it up for me only if I promised to have his child between the next two years and that was fine by me. I wanted to pop at least one more before I got my tubes tied.

After having Camri I made sure to stay in the gym so that I could get my body back right. I was now considered a super model and I had to get back to business.

"Baby I'm about to leave" Jordan came down into the kitchen with me, Camri and Ahmad.

"Mkay lo-" I was cut off by Jordan kissing my lips softly. I knew he was only doing this to piss Ahmad off.

I pulled away from him. "Bye beautiful" he slapped my ass a little before leaving out.

I sighed and sat at the island watching Ahmad feed Camri. "Why this nigga so immature, like damn he got you. I get that shit but I don't want it thrown up in my damn face every time I come over" he said not taking his eyes off our daughter.

"I know and I'm going to talk to him about it later, I promise. Because I don't want that to effect me and you. We're good right now and the bullshit needs to stop between you to" I said and went to grab Camri's empty bottle from her mouth. She was only four weeks and was Ahmad's splitting image.

"Hey baby girl" he held up a smiling Camri. She made baby noises getting upset and he quickly but her down and rocked her.

"Burp her before she pukes on you" I said eating ice cream. He put her over his shoulder and began patting her back gently. "Harder or she's not going to burp" I laughed. I thought it was so funny, Ahmad was so gently with Camri.

"I don't want to hurt her" he said softly.

"Dude, just hit her back a little harder. Like this" I showed him and he looked at me crazy but soon caught on. She soon burped and pooted at the same time causing me to giggle. She always did that when somebody other than me burped her.

"Pew you stink baby" Ahmad started talking like a baby. Camri started giggling as she looked at his goofy face.

"You stinky" he repeated kissing her cheeks. King walked into the kitchen fully dressed.

"Good morning honey, you hungry" I asked him.

He looked around the room before pointing to himself. "Me" he questioned

"Yes boy" I laughed.

"Oh god, you have answered my prayers. She noticed me for the first time in three weeks" he said

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy with the baby" I said and he wiped fake tears.

"I was your baby," he made and ugly face causing me and his dad to bust out laughing.

"You still are" I went and kissed his cheek. I know it was hard for King. He had been an only child for almost seventeen years. So he was used to getting all the attention in the world.

"But yeah I want some food" he said sitting at the island next to his daddy.

"She looks like you when you was born" Ahmad said to King.

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