Chapter 17: Shu wtf

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Subaru POV:

He was jumping with a lollipop in his mouth on his bed up and down like a child. Also as if that wasn't enough he twerked while doing so. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE TF 😂😂😂 And to make this even better he sang while he was doing this crazy stuff "WTF SHU!?" I shouted but he didn't listen wth. After an hour he finally noticed me ( A/N: Yes Tsun tsun  your senpai finally noticed you 😂😂😂😂)  but only because I threw a pillow at him lol. He then asked what I wanted and I answered him " I wanna know about Y/N past and her darkest secrets." Shu looked at me with a shocked and saddened look and told me " Her past is one of the most difficult to discribe cause she didn't have an ordinary childhood. At 5 years her got devorced and her dad left her mother alone with her 4 other siblings including Jenna.  Jenna and Y/N's other siblings names are Jullal, Mino and Ava. Jullal and Mino are th oldest of the bunch they're also twins and Ava is the youngest of the siblings . As you can see Y/N and Jenna are middlechilds and well. Back to the story ... After their dad left Y/N started to get problems with mental health and became mentally ill for a while she got a therapy and it helped her but when the next thing happened she became more and more traumatized cause of so many events happening that she couldn't handle it anymore and got into her demon form meaning...." Shu talked further but I was busy thinking over the demon thing he then mentioned something that literally kicked me out of this world....


So guys that's it again Lol welp What is going to happen what did shu say that kicked the poor tsun tsun out of the world???😬😜😂

Stay tuned to find out more 🤗❤️



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