Chapter 22: meeting an idiot to kill or not?

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The next day I woke up finding myself in Subaru's arms who is still sleeping peacefully. How Cute 😍😍😍😍 He looks like an innocent Angle awwww. Me who was busy fangirling didn't notice that Subaru was now awake and literally killing me with his eyes for thinking that he is cute. Shit 😬 I am done now. He smirked evilly at me and we'll stated to tease me by giving me hickeys on the neck . When he found my sweet spot he started to suck on it letting me slip out a moan out of my mouth. He stopped and smirked again. I could literally kick his ass for that 😑 which I did after another two minutes of him torturing me damn that look funny when I kicked him out of the coffin hahahahah. I stopped laughing when I saw him glare at me.... Now I over did it. But he deserved that muahahhahah. "Y/N do you wanna get your ass slapped or what ?" Subaru asked with a slight creepy grin. I am dead.... He walked to me and pulled me out of the coffin and slapped my ass when he was able to reach it. WTF 😱😑

A/N: Does someone else want to see Subaru's ass get kicked out of his coffin 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

The Reji knocked on the door saying that dinner was ready. I kissed Subaru on the cheek which made him blush and walked to my room . I got dressed and wore a black hoodie,some black ripped pants and chucks which I really love tbh . After doing hair and makeup I went down and sat between Shu and Subaru who was holding my hand under the table so that no one would notice that he was being a softie this moment even if he speaks in a cold voice to me I knew that he loves me.

After dinner we went to school wuhuuuu again

Time skip: At school lunch break

I was damn bored so I decided to search for Shu and ask him if he could teach me how to play the violin because why not. On my way to the music room I bumped into a tall man with a ponytail and a muscular chest. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOU GOING YOU STUPID PIG!" He yelled at me with poison in his voice . This pissed me of and I said with a slightly threatening voice " YOU COULD HAVE MOVED OUT OF MY WAY GIRAFFE!"
He was about to punch me when some blond boy shouted his name " Yuma come we wanna go have lunch "

'Hmm Yuma sound familiar?????' I thought...

He that insulted me one last timeby saying "see ya later Pig!"

Wow just wow how creative... Literally I wanted to kill that dude right now but something told me that I shouldn't because he has a big role to play whatever this meant what my brain was saying hmpf. I made my way further to the music room when I arrived I saw Shu sleeping I asked him and he agreed after two or four hours and skipping class I managed to play atleast one piece yay!!!!

Time skip: after school at the sakamaki mension

When I walked through the house I heard voices coming out of the living room when I entered I saw .....


So guys that's it again for today...

Hmmm what did Y/N see when she entered the room and what will happen ??🤔🤔🤔🤔😱😱

Also our tsun tsun is developing a perverted side lol😂😂😂😂😂

Stay tuned to find out 🤗

Until next time

Yours lu423na❤️😘


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