Chapter 23: A new girl

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When I walked through the house I heard voices coming out of the living room when I entered I saw a blond haired girl which is sitting between Laito and Kanato. Oh just great another bitch who is probably not knowing what's going on and is gonna end up in Kanatos celler as a doll poor her or maybe not🤷

When she saw me she smiled slightly what the fuck okay she is naive af Like what the hell. But this got proven more when she found out that the boys were vampires so she ran OMG does she really think she can escape like that God damn this girl 🤦 Like an idiot as ayato is for an example would let her get off the hook that easily . First of all because he thinks that he the great Oreo-sama is the best and blah blah blah and that he is her and again blah blah blah...

So after fifteen minutes the got her and knocked her out hopefully she has a sweet dream before she gets broken by one of the boys ... I swear to god if she tries to steal Subaru from me I'll kill her.... Subaru came to me and saw that I had a kinda jealous face he just pulled me to him and kissed me showing me that he loves me and no one could change that....
" Y/N don't be like that you stupid idiot you know I don't like it when you make that face I love you okay I won't leave you." Subaru said bluntly but on his eyes I saw the love and affection he actually wanted to show me. I started to tear up and he was kinda surprised with my reaction and over thought his words if he said something wrong or so. " If you think you said something wrong no you didn't you just said the right words." I said smiling at him. I was about to kiss him when we got disturbed by a certain girl with blond hair and a pissed Reji oh great the pigeon and the bitch . Whyyyyyyyy

Reji then told me " Y/N get your stuff packed please your mom sends you and Jenna to the training camp to train your powers !"

" Why this again last time our trainer tried to throw us in lava but luckily we saved our asses!!!" I said but Reji the stupid pigeon ignored me. I looked at Subaru and yelled " FUCK!!! This is gonna be the death of me !!!" Subaru started laughing I just kicked him in the butt for that muahahhah but to my bad luck he pushed me against the wall and......


So guys that's it for the day🙊😱

What will Subaru du to Reader~Chan ?😉🌚😎🙈

And what will happen at the camp 🔭🌧️🌩️⛈️🌨️🔥🔥🔥❄️❄️❄️⚡⚡💧💧💧✨

Stay tuned to find out more🤗😊




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