•°• Chapter 14 •°•

Start from the beginning

"Woah, woah, calm down. I'm here, Izuku." He placed his hands on my shoulder and massaged me. I looked up with a hint of panic on my face. "We can't waste time anymore! We have to go!" I urged, gripping his top firmly.

"Hold on. Where do you want to go—"

"Takumi-san is attacked! We must head to his residence, NOW!"

Neito eventually understood the situation and the reason behind my panic state. We both get into his car. I fastened the belt, knowing very well that Neito would drive madly.

"Deku-chan, where are you going?! The meeting—"

"I'm sorry Ochako-chan but we are in hurry! A man's life is at stake right now!!" I yelled at my best friend, hoping she would get the message.

"Let's go now, Neito!" I demanded and Je began driving the car...

Takumi-san, Yana-san, Mio-chan... Please be safe!!


Rikita Residence...

Third Person's POV

"Neito, look! The door is wide open!" Izuku pointed to the door that seemed to be broken. "The villain must have broken into his house. Let's check it out!" Neito urged and they bolted into the two-storey house.

The inside was a mess. All the stuffs and furnitures were knocked down, scattered on the floor. The photos that were hanging on the walls had fallen onto the floor, shattering the glass everywhere.

Izuku gasped in horror. This horrible view was like it came straight from a nightmare. "This is really bad..." Neito looked around, gritting his teeth in corcern.

"Takumi-san isn't here..." Izuku spoke up worriedly, clenching her fist to her chest. "Perhaps he is in his chamber." Neito said suggestively, his eyes trailed to the stairs.

"Let's head upstairs." The blonde-haired man grasped his lover's wrist and climbed the upstairs together with her. Negative thoughts wouldn't stop haunting his mind but he had to act tough, for Izuku's sake.

'I'm getting more and more bad vibes...' Neito thoughts, feeling shivers arising in his body.

As soon as his foot reached the last staircase, both pro heroes froze in terror. Izuku let out a piercing scream while Neito just stayed quiet, too astonished by the terrifying sight...

Of Takumi's body.

Neito rushed to Takumi, kneeling down next to him before holding his body. He leaned closed to the older man's chest. The Copy Hero's eyes widened in realization.

"His heart is still beating!" Neito announced, earning a sigh of relief from Izuku. "Izuku, call the polices and ambulance now!"


Takumi suddenly spoke up, gaining Neito's attention. He turned to the dying man hurriedly. "Hang in there, Takumi-san. The ambulance will arrive any minute now.."

Takumi reached out his hand to Neito's shoulder. He gripped the hero's shoulder with the little strength left in his body. His chest was heaving up and down, a sign that he was at his death door. Neito swallowed his saliva, not believing his eyesight.

"Please... Take care... Of Mio for me... Phantom Thief... Deku..."

Takumi's hand suddenly fell off Neito's shoulder, motionlessly laying on his side.

The blue-eyed male grinded his teeth in frustration. "We are too late... Damn it...!"

Izuku's breathing began to grow ragged and her vision gradually became blurry. "Izuku—" But when Neito turned around, Izuku's body already swung back and forth.



At a hospital...

Monoma's POV

I couldn't relax myself... I couldn't stay calm anymore.

Takumi-san... Is dead.

His wife and daughter, Yana Rikita and Mio Rikita are missing.

Izuku passed out due to shock. She hasn't woken up yet...

Damn it, DAMN IT! What the hell is happening?!

Mio-chan is constantly targeted by villains! But now even Yana-san is kidnapped!

Just what do the villains want from the Rikitas? Money?

No... Villains won't do this for money. They usually will target the bank.

Then... Why...?

"Monoma-kun!" Uraraka called for me in hurry. She wasn't alone. Her husband, that porcupine Bakugou was with her too.

"What has happened?!" She wasted no time and asked me directly. I balled my shaking hands in firm fists.

"Have you heard of Takumi Rikita?" I husked out, still looking down to the floor. "Of course we have heard of that famous CEO." Bakugou growled grumpily.

"He is dead."

I heard the married couple gasped. "Dead?! But he is all healthy and doing well! He even held a huge, luxurious birthday party for his only daughter!" Uraraka exclaimed, denying my statement.

"He was murdered by a freaking villain!" I hollered in anger at Izuku's friend. I wasn't really friendly with Class 3-A because they always irritate me for unknown reason.

"Not only Takumi-san was murdered... His wife... His daughter... Were kidnapped by the villains too..." I said I'm devastation. My mind was a mess wreck.

What... What did this nice, heartwarming family even do to deserve this harsh treatment?

I swear... I swear...



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