"Nice. Then that is settled." said Samantha and she went back to choose a crêpe to enjoy.
After a bit of discussing who would take what crêpe they got to an agreement. In a perfect timing the waiter came over and took their order. After that they chatted for a little bit, talking about the architecture of London and France and what the differences were.

Soon after their food arrived, Aziraphale quickly looking up when the waiter came close.

"There it is.", he said cheerful.

The waiter put the plates down in front of them and wished them bon apetit. Aziraphale thanked the man and then swiftly started to eat. Samantha glanced at him and smiled soft.
"Don't you forget we want to taste your one as well?" she reminded him.
Aziraphale glanced up and seemed ashamed. "It is good you tell me, I had almost forgotten already." he said and then proceeded to neatly cut two bites, one for both. Samantha and Crowley did the same and they exchanged the pieces. They talked a bit about the taste, all three pretty much liking all of the other tastes as well, then they went on with eating their own dish.

Crowley was of course done first and he glanced up, watching the angel enjoy every second of his meal. Unwillingly he thought back at that day when they had gone for crêpes here so many years ago. He tough about saving the angel in the dungeon and about how silly yet adorable he had looked, and the stubborn mutter as he had to change his clothes in order for them to peacefully enjoy their coming dinner. He remembered sitting just like this, resting his head on his hand and watching Aziraphale eat. Unnoticed he smiled slight.

His pondering was disturbed when he saw the flashing lights of a police car come by, hearing the faint sound of the siren. It was familiar yet different, as sirens of different emergency services tended to be in different countries. He dismissed the sound and focussed back on the angel and his crêpes, but not long after another emergency wagon passed. A car of the fire brigade this time. He hummed. There must be a fire somewhere. Not his problem.
Samantha had finished now too and he followed Crowley's glance. Then her glance fell on the waiter, who had gone up to the window and seemed to try and get a better view of something. She then observed as the waiter actually went and stepped outside. She realised a few people outside were looking up too, and most were heading one direction. When the waiter came back in, his face was pale and he muttered something under his breath. Samantha beckoned him over.
"What is wrong mister? Is something amiss? ", she asked worried.
"Yes, yes something is certainly amiss. It is terrible, simply terrible." answered the man a bit upset.
Aziraphale, who had just finished the last bite of his crêpe, cleaned his face with a napkin and worried looked up at the man. "Then what is it my dear man? Won't you tell us?"
"It's the Notre Dame. The Notre Dame is ablaze!" exclaimed the man horrified.
"Whot?!" asked Crowley unbelieving.

"Oui, oui! I am not joking!" confirmed the waiter.
Samantha swiftly got up. "Oh no... That is horrible indeed. Gentleman I believe we should go and have a look. Perhaps they could use some help."

"Please, I don't think they could use the help of a few tourists. I think you'd be of better assistance staying away." said the waiter.
Samantha looked thoughtfully at the man, then nodded and smiled. "I understand what you mean. Yet I am sure we'll be able to help somehow. Trust us." she said resolute and then she headed for the door.

"Please, follow.", she asked of the duo and the two nodded, then swiftly got up and hurried after Samantha as if lured by some force.

They quickly hurried out the door and left the waiter slightly confused. He then wanted to call after them, for they hadn't paid. But as he looked back to the table he found money laying there on a plate on top of a bill he was sure he didn't give them. The bill was correct and the money given more than enough. Dumb folded he stared at it a bit, before finally resuming to his work. He somehow felt reassured a bit even though the dread of a burning Notre Dame still lurked within him.

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