9. We're taking the human to Charmouth!

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Follow our friends as they take a nice road trip to Samantha's home place, taking a nice detour on the way.

I hope you guys are enjoying! I sure am.


The next morning Samantha awoke to find her stuff already packet standing beside the couch. This included the stuff she had left behind at the motel. When she stirred she found something heavy and soft was laying on her legs. She looked over and saw Crowley laying there in his snake form, calmly curled up and seemingly asleep. She smiled soft and watched the serpent for a bit, then she carefully stretched out to touch him, curious to how he felt. She hadn't been able to ever hold a snake before in her life so she was very curious as to how they would feel. She was just about to touch him when he stirred and glanced at her. She startled pulled back, afraid to annoy him, but Crowley gave a little nod.
"Go ahead. It'sss okay." he murmured quietly.
Samantha nodded and reached out again. She very carefully touched him and was amazed to how smooth and surprisingly warm he felt. Snakes were cold blooded right? Perhaps it was just Crowley who was warm.

"Oh wow." she whispered and Crowley watched her.
"Never held a sssnake before, have you?"
Samantha shook her head no. To this the serpent uncurled and slithered up to her. She watched curiously as he came closer and stifled up a bit when he coiled himself around her chest. She let out a very soft gasp and shivered.

Crowley let out an amused grin, though it sounded more like a hiss. "Don't worry I am not going to squeeze you. Preciousss thing." he said softly while slithering on.

When he was done his head was on level with her face and he let his forked tongue shoot out a few times. Samantha watched him amazed, then slowly reached out her hand again and she softly stroked him, observing the serpent. On his turn Crowley observed her, slight amused. He wouldn't let anyone touch him normally, like in general, but he felt comfortable enough around Samantha to allow this. He has had nearly a week to study and get to know her when she was in the bookshop, so he had enough time to read her energy and learn her intentions. This, together with the angel's deep interest, made him able to trust her. There were little humans whom he had trusted. They were able to be counted on one hand so he thought to himself she'd better feel very special about it.

Aziraphale came walking in now and he smiled at the two. He was pleasantly surprised to see them like this and it did him well. "Good morning Samantha. I hope you slept well. Are you ready for the travel? I have to say I am quite excited."
Samantha smiled at the angel. "I slept wonderfully. Thank you. And yes I am ready and I must say I am quite excited as well. Though I hope Crowley won't be traveling at a hellish speed for the whole trip. I am afraid we might crash or something."
Crowley huffed insulted. "Me crassshing? Never. And you better know I will travel at the ssspeed I wish to travel. Even though I love my car, it is a long travel from London to Charmouth and I don't wisssh to make it any longer asss I have to. I am doing you a favour too you know. You don't have to sssit in the car any longer asss needed asss well."

Samantha sighed, but she knew he was right about the time part. It's fine sitting in a car for an hour or so, but after that it just becomes boring and your legs get sore from sitting.

Aziraphale on the other hand had no experience on that subject. The longest he had been in a car had been the small trips with Crowley through London, or on a rare occasion when he had taken public transport. But with public transport he hadn't paid attention to time, as he had been too busy observing humans. "Well well now, I don't think a little while longer in the car would be so bad. It is better to drive safe, I think."
Samantha and Crowley glanced at him with a frown now.

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