11. What a blessed day

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Smut warning! For those who were waiting on this, huzzah! For those who weren't, I'll put up a warning when the really graphic stuff comes up, so don't worry. You can still enjoy some simple fluff before it gets real intimate.

Have fun!


Crowley walked at the window and sighed. "Well, here we are. Charmouth."
"Yes indeed." said Aziraphale and he walked up to stand beside Crowley to look outside. "I must say it does look lovely. Very calm."
"Yes indeed. I think we should watch out a little bit with what we do in and around the village though. Our miracles might get noticed by the locals. Don't forget it's a quiet place." noted Crowley.

Aziraphale nodded agreeing. "I guess you are right. In London we can slip a few miracles, like you calling your car with a flick of your fingers. You shouldn't do that here. That will definably get noticed."

"Ugh, but then we have to walk to where we parked the car and I have to actually mind where I put it. I don't want to just put it in the parking lot. It might get a scratch when other people come too close." smirked Crowley.

"I believe it will be fine dear. It isn't bad to walk a bit and this village isn't that big." assured the angel him.
"I still don't like the idea." muttered Crowley.

Aziraphale nodded and walked at the sliding window to the garden. He opened it and walked outside. He went to look at the nature in the garden, smiling at the roses. Then he went to sit in one of the chairs. Crowley took place beside him and casually crossed his legs.

"What a nice place. And what a nice man.", noted Aziraphale. "The weather is good too. A small breeze and a lovely temperature."
"Maybe a little warm for a jacket, or for your complete suit, but yeah the weather's nice."

"Yes I understand what you mean, yet I wouldn't feel comfortable without it on the streets. I usually just avoid warm days."
"Casual wear isn't horrible angel. You should try it."
"Perhaps." answered Aziraphale reluctant.

"Well you don't have to go all t-shirt and jeans right away. How about just a blouse with a simple gilet? It would at least be a lot more airy. You wouldn't look like a person wearing a winter jacket on a hot summer's day anymore."

Aziraphale folded his hands on his belly while he thought about how it would look on him, then he nodded. "I might be able to pull that off. Especially with the blazer." he said and glanced at his belly. "I don't think a simply t-shirt would suit me."
Crowley pouted his lip. "Oh angel stop worrying about your body. You are fine! You say you look fat but I don't think you do. A tad chubby perhaps, but I think you look like a rather cosy and a snug guy."
Aziraphale beamed him a soft smile and his eyes sparkled soft. "Oh really?"
"Really." nodded the demon resolute. "And don't let anyone tell you any different. Especially not that jerk of a Gabriel. He is simply the worst."
Aziraphale sighed now. "He is, isn't he? I cannot believe that for the longest time I looked up to that man. That, that horrible man. Encouraging a war for his own good, not caring about the world or the humans on it. Simply terrible. I don't understand how he didn't feel guilty about destroying an entire race. I mean we are angels. We should be ever compassioned and caring to humans. Guiding them in their life. And they wanted to end it all. I simply do not understand why."

"Neighed do I angel, and I am a demon. I shouldn't even really care but yet I do. And I don't give a fuck about what the others think of that. I give a fuck about the earth and its people, and I give a fuck about you."

Aziraphale had to smile softly when he heard this. "If I didn't know better I would say you were getting soft Crowley. Luckily I do know better."
"It's a good thing you do.", answered Crowley and he leaned back a bit.

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