5. A demon and an angel?

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I just realised, people specifically waiting for intimate stuff. Well, you got to wait a while. This is a veeeeeeery slow burn.


When she woke up she had no clue as to where she was at first. She yawned and turned to her side in the soft comfortable spot, and was hit by reality as pain came crashing through her body. She let out a groan and opened her eyes. All of her limbs where feeling stiff and hurt, and her head still bumped as well. The silence around her was broken by light footsteps coming closer. Aziraphale walked up to her. "Good morning dear. I hope you slept well? I assume you are not feeling great so you don't have to worry about needing to go anywhere. I will take care of you." he said gentle.
Samantha looked up at the angel with a slight smile. A black snake hung around his neck and she quickly realised it must be Crowley. "I did sleep quite nice, waking up was less nice though. I am feeling very stiff. Thank you for the offer and care."
Aziraphale nodded. "Certainly dear. You must be hungry. What did you have in mind for breakfast?"
Samantha hummed. "What do you have?"
"Anything you'd like", said the angel with a mild amused chuckle and it took Samantha a moment before realising why he was amused.

"Oh of course. Silly me.", she said ashamed.
"Don't worry dear. I cannot expect you to grasp every concept of having an angel in your area right away. Or even remember it at all times. Even I tend to forget I can miracle a problem away, or at least get myself a solution to it."

Crowley let out a snort now and the angel glanced at him. "Oh hush you silly serpent. You have no right of laughing at me. You make the same mistakes."

Samantha laughed softly and thought about breakfast. "What about a simple croissant with cheese and some earl grey tea?" she asked eventually.
Aziraphale miracled a silver tray for her with what she had asked and put it on the coffee table in front of the couch. "There you go dearie. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Thank you Aziraphale. And I can't think of anything right now." She slowly tried sitting up.
"Take your time." the angel added as he observed her shortly, before deciding to take a chair and going to sit on the other side of the coffee table. He watched her eat in silence for a while.
Samantha glanced at Aziraphale and Crowley and thought for a while, while silently munching on her croissant. When she was done she took a sip of her tea and looked at Aziraphale. "So, an angel and a demon. Is that even allowed? And how did it even happen?" she asked curiously.

Crowley let out a soft laugh. "Of courssse it isssn't allowed. In fact we went through a lot of trouble to be left alone asss it isss right now. We had to perform a rather clever and tricky manoeuvre for them to finally ditch usss."
Aziraphale nodded. "That is true."
Samantha was curious now. "What did you guys do then? And who are 'they'?"
"They are the higher authorities." explained Aziraphale. For me that is Gabriel and for Crowley that is Beelzebub. They are our leaders, so to speak."
"Were", corrected Crowley.
"Indeed. Were." agreed Aziraphale. "You see we have been on earth since the very beginning. Since the Garden of Eden, to be a little more precise."
Crowley let out an annoyed, groaning hiss. "Pleassse don't get thisss going from the very beginning angel."

Aziraphale huffed. "I certainly will. She asked for the full explanation, she will get the full explanation. And if you don't want to listen you'll have to go and slither somewhere else."
Crowley muttered but stayed where he was, and Samantha was amused by the two.
"Anyhow", continued Aziraphale. "As I said. Eden. I was put on apple tree duty. I am sure you know the story. And...." Crowley interrupted Aziraphale.

"Long ssstory ssshort. Aziraphale sssucked at hisss job, I tempted the firssst humansss out of Eden and then we firssst talked. He sssaid he had given hisss flaming sssword away, I thought he wasss an idiot for doing that and wasss inssstantly attracted to hisss dumb asss.", Crowley said.

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