22. Like fire

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Oh oh. Just one more chapter and then this story is done! I hope you enjoy the last of their shenanigans as much as you did the others.


When they were outside the two looked around a bit, before turning their gaze to the café, where they easily spotted Crowley, which got up as soon as he saw them and walked up to meet them.
"It seems like you were able to sit close to the church without a problem." noted Aziraphale.
Crowley snorted softly. "Yup indeed. Now, shall we go and get crêpes?"

"Oh yes that is a splendid idea. I wonder if the same restaurant is still open where we first got our crêpes." said Aziraphale hopefully.

"We'll see. Let's go and find out, shall we?" said Crowley and he started to lead them. He recalled they had gotten the crêpes not that far from the Notre Dame itself so he walked on good luck and a minor miracle in the direction he remembered them going all those years ago.

Meanwhile Samantha simply enjoyed the area. This part of the city was well maintained and as beautiful as ever. She smiled. She very much liked the style of the sandstone buildings. It had a close resemblance to the sandstone buildings in London, yet different too. The France renaissance style was a tiny bit more complicated as the decorations of London.

At last they came to the restaurant. To Aziraphale's utter delight the place was still up and running, tough the look had changed drastically over the years. Crowley glanced over at him.
"Same as usual? Walking in and miracling a spot like the Ritz?" the demon asked.

"Why isn't that obvious? Of course we will do that. Now, let us go in. I can already taste the sweet sugar of the baking's on my lips." answered Aziraphale and he sounded perhaps a bit impatient.
Crowley showed an amused glance, then he took the lead and walked them inside. He went up to the counter and told with how many they were. Then they were leaded to a lovely table with a nice view of the place, yet it was calm.
With a content sigh Samantha sat down. The two others followed her example. The waiter came and asked them what they wanted to drink. Aziraphale tried it first in his broken France, and then Crowley attempted to take over. A tiny argument arose between the two about pronunciation. Samantha giggled and rolled her eyes, then told the waiter in a quite decent France what they wanted to drink. The argument stopped and the two looked first startled at Samantha, then a tad ashamed.

The waiter thanked her and laughed kindly, telling her since they had so much tourists around English had also been a good option. Then he walked off to get the menu carts.

Samantha watched the two amused. "What? It has only been a few years ago since I had France lessons on school and I had quite a good grade. I cannot blame you for your France being rusty. You haven't been here in ages, literally if I have to believe your stories."

"Ah yes, that is true." admitted Aziraphale. "Yet I feel stupid for it somewhere."
"That is understandable." answered Samantha.
The waiter came back with the menu carts and the drinks. He placed them down and went off again, while the three curiously opened their books.

"Finally a card you two don't know from the top of your heads. Hmm gentleman?" teased Samantha.
Aziraphale let out a soft chuckle. "You are correct. It is quite refreshing."

They looked at their charts now and curiously read through them. "There are so many types of crêpes nowadays." wondered Aziraphale. "With strawberry, caramel, banana, chocolate and even with cheese and meat. So much choice. Oh dear oh dear. I just don't know what to choose."
"Then just order them all angel." teased Crowley.
"Why I am afraid that would look rather odd." said Aziraphale, tough he did seem to have seriously considered it.
"Why don't we all three take a different kind of crêpe, and then let each other take a bite of the others?" offered Samantha.
"Well that sound like a lovely plan." said Aziraphale with a smile. Then he looked over at Crowley with a curious look.
He shrugged. "Sure why not."

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