6. Drifting away

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Finally getting to the 'good stuff'. But, this is still a slowburn so it doesn't go much further as kissing and cuddling, yet.


When the two walked away from the backroom Aziraphale stretched and rubbed his head. "Ugh. I could go with a good hot bath right about now. I think that is exactly what I'll be doing." he said while smiling to himself.
Crowley shrugged. "Go ahead I won't hold you back. I know how to entertain myself. I recently discovered Netflix on my phone."
The angel frowned. "Net-flex? What is that for game?"
Crowley snorted. "Netflix angel. And it's not a game. It's an app for which you pay and then you can watch movies and series anywhere you like. It is quite addictive. Wanna try?"
Aziraphale did seem interested, yet he shook his head. "I do want to try. But not now. I really feel like doing that bath." He turned to walk to the stairs that led to the small, ill-used apartment part of the building. "If you need me I'll be up."
"Yeah sure angel." said Crowley, already walking to the couch and scrolling to the recommended list of series.

And so the angel went to take a bath while the demon was downstairs watching a movie. He took good care in how warm the water was and what bath oils he used, and even lit a few scented candles, just for the environment.

Crowley was quickly bored of his movie though. Then he got the genius idea to sneak upstairs and spy on Aziraphale. He had been trying to get the angel naked for a few months now but up until now all of those plans had failed. Even when he had straight up pushed the angel into a pond he had found a way to dry and clean his clothes without so much as even taking his bowtie off. It was rare for either of them to take a shower or a bath, because they didn't need it. They could just miracle themselves clean. But this was the first time Aziraphale had let his guard down and for a moment Crowley even wondered if it was on purpose. Then again they had never spend so much time around each other as they did lately.

Still it didn't take away this was a unique opportunity and Crowley wasn't going to let it go to waste. Sure. He had seen the angel naked before. In bathhouses that is. Back in Rome when going to a bathhouse was as common as going to the bar is nowadays. But back then they still kept their distance from each other. A lot had changed since then.

Silently he sneaked up to the apartment part of the building and he looked around. He had only been here on one other occasion, simply because he had been curious. There was really nothing much up here. A bedroom with closet of Aziraphale's other costumes and an unslept, dusty bed. A living room with one couch, a closet and a tv. All dusty as well. A toilet, and a simple bathroom, yet with a nice big bath.

Crowley made sure to be silent as he miracled the door to the bathroom open to peak through the small crack. He didn't know why, but he felt stupidly nervous about this and he felt his cheeks heathen when he tried to see something. It felt forbidden, even for him. Like when he pulled his first temptation to let Adam and Eve take a bite out of the apple. To his delight he caught Aziraphale mid-undressing and he watched silently as the angel went on. He observed as Aziraphale neatly folded all his clothes on a chair beside the sink, in order of dressing up. The angel's body wasn't in as good of a shape as it had been on their first meeting, but how could it have been? It was technically Crowley's fault Aziraphale had developed such a love for food and sweet things, for gluttony is one of the deadly sins. Yet the demon didn't mind. For the angel was far from fat. A bit chubby, sure. But it made him great to cuddle with. It also fitted the angel's sweet and soft character very well. And Crowley had fallen for every single bit of it. Oh how he wished he could now just grab the angel, pull him close, and stroke every bit of the angel's sweet, soft naked body. Make the angel respond with probably the most adorable sounds he would ever hear. The demon dreamed off at the sight of his angel and the things he could do with him. Wanted to do with him, while Aziraphale stepped into the bath. The angel relaxed and after a short while half closed his eyes, and Crowley relaxed now too. Above everything, he got bored again. The exiting part to watch was over now. The demon started to think. What could he do to get him to see Aziraphale fully naked again? He could fake a fire... Call out for him, Scare him. No, that wouldn't do any good. Not after the thrust he had gained. Then he got an idea. What if he just gambled? What if he would just... try? Fuck it. He thought. It's now or never.

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