18. A new place

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Samantha gets trained by Aziraphale and crowley and we get to watch as Crowley has a little misadventure of his own.


They spend the next week preparing her for assaults like the one that had happened to her. Crowley went as far as to tie her up, which at first caused a major panic attack from Samantha. It was quite a horrible sight as she yelled and squirmed on the ground, caught up in flashbacks and hyperventilating. At that point Aziraphale just dragged her up, undid her binds and held her close, hushing and rocking her. It took a while for her to finally calm down and when she did, she blinked and glanced around. When her vision met Crowley's he swiftly glanced away, a look of regret in his eyes.
"M' sorry. I didn't expect that to happen." he muttered.
Samantha softly shook her head. "It's okay you couldn't have known."
"I am a demon. I know what causes panic under humans. I ssshould have known." snapped Crowley agitated.
Aziraphale frowned. "Don't blame yourself. She needs to get over it one way or the other anyway. Otherwise she will be helpless if this happens again in any way."
Samantha nodded, then stretched out her arms, putting them together. "And I am not going to make it worse by waiting. Try again."
"Are you sure?" asked Crowley, raising an eyebrow. "You just had a panic attack and it was pretty hard to get you out."

She nodded. "Yes. I now know what to expect and I am still close to Aziraphale." she said and glanced up at the angel, on which lap she was actually still sitting. "So yes, let us try again."
Aziraphale looked worried and Crowley and him exchanged a look, but then the angel nodded. "Let's do this. She is right."

Crowley silently nodded, then tied up her arms again. Samantha shuddered and gasped soft in response, but she closed her eyes and focussed on breathing. She took a while in silence, just breathing and calming herself, then eventually opened her eyes and nodded.

"O-okay.", she started hoarsely, then smirked and cleared her throat and tried again, stronger this time. "Okay. So how do I get out of this."
Crowley nodded. "Well. As you know out of experience, making a gesture is quite hard when bound up. But you can also nod your head. It's a little harder, but it is possible. Any gesture can be sufficient with enough practice, even flicking your tongue. I figure it does take some time to learn, because I myself had to learn the different techniques as well. Difference is I came up with them myself and I have worked with my powers since I remember, so it only took me a few minutes to figure out. Since you aint used to having powers, I suspect you will take quite some time longer to master this."

Samantha nodded thoughtful. "I see. Well, show me."
Crowley went to stand ready and explained different techniques he had tried out to make a miracle with, clicking his tongue, nodding his head, moving a finger, even winking. Samantha watched it, then tried it herself. She tried different things to see what would work best, and figured out nodding the head was the easiest to learn. After that came clicking with her tongue and making gestures with her fingers, figuring out it was even possible to flick her fingers and preform a miracle while bound up. She was glad she was able to do that now and it gave her a bit of rest, knowing she could now at least get free.

She sighed. "Well, at least this gives me some rest."
"That is lovely to hear my dear. Now comes fighting. I am not sure if you'll ever have to fight against angels, but since they are terribly old fashioned, I am sure that if you will have to fight them, it will be some kind of sword fight. That's why I will teach you just that. To be honest I am quite excited I get to teach you just that. It has been a while since I have had a proper sparring partner. Sometimes Crowley joins me, but he isn't all that much into swordfights anymore." said Aziraphale.

Crowley shrugged. "I prefer guns nowadays. The range is way longer, it's faster and cleaner. But a good fist to fist combat is also nice."
"I got to say, fist combat is useful as well. I don't think you need to use it so much, but it always nice to know how to do it.", explained Aziraphale.
Crowley shook his head. "Speak for yourself angel, but a demon like me gets into tricky places more often. I do have to defend myself sometimes. And since he is a bit of both, we will teach her both."
Samantha smiled soft. "Well that sounds fair enough. Actually I am quite excited about it. I always wanted to learn how to swordfight. I think it looks quite cool."
"Mind you dear, it is quite difficult. You'll need some time before you get the hang of it. But I suppose it is the same for shooting a gun, and I know it is for fighting skills." said Aziraphale.
Crowley hummed thoughtful. "I suppose you should pop over at least once a week to train with us once we are back in London. This way we'll keep contact and make sure you make a decent progress."
"I am sure I'll be popping over more than once a week. It is nice to have the nights now too, but I don't really have much to do in them other than painting, taking walks and practicing on my own." said Samantha. "At least, if that is all right with you." she added.
Aziraphale nodded. "Yes that is quite all right. I mostly run my bookshop and do all I need to do in the daytime anyhow. I spend most nights reading, or being in company of Crowley. So I don't think that will be much of a problem. We will need a place to spar however. My bookshop won't do, there are way too much valuables around that place and the space isn't big enough by far."

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