19. Swords and skills

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We are getting close to the end! (everyone: Daaaaahwww) This chapter is more laid back, mostly filled with training Samantha and talking about the future. But! I have one last trick up my sleeve. Look foreward to it in one of the next chapters. *maniacal laugh*


Aziraphale was still reading in the now setting sun with a hot Choco by his side, as he heard the familiar roar of Crowley's Bentley come up the hill. He smiled to himself about it. He realised he was a tiny bit relieved that Crowley was safely back and chuckled to himself about it. It was silly that he'd have to think that, but somewhere it was quite logical. They had spent a rocky and hard time the past few years and hadn't been away from each other much. And even though they spend ages apart in the past, it felt different lately. A good different. Still he knew he could trust Crowley to come back to him. Perhaps not completely unharmed, but he would always return, no matter the cost. He closed his book and stood up, taking the last sip of his Choco. Then he picked up his books and brought them back inside. As he stored them away he heard the door to the house open and he looked up as Crowley enter the room.
"Hello Crowley. I hope you had a lovely day. I know I had a good day." he said cheerfully.

Crowley showed a tiny grin. "I had an amazing day. Guess what? We own a mansion now." he said and pulled out the papers to show him.
"What? Are you serious? So fast?" said Aziraphale startled and he took the papers. He looked through them and hummed. "Yes they seem to be real. As real as they can be when faked by your hands. The humans will certainly fall for it.", he said and looked up at Crowley now, curiously. "Was he dead when you got to the place? What happened?"
Crowley let out a soft chuckle. "Well what a good choice of words. He fell down the stairs, broke his neck. Heart attack they said. Anyhow. He is gone now, so the place is ours. I took the opportunity to house all my stuff in and made some changes at my will. Don't worry, I only did some stuff, you may change things around as well. I just made it a tiny bit homier already."
"Oh dear. I am so sorry to hear. All alone. Poor guy. At least he can be at peace now." sighed Aziraphale.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that." said Crowley with a tiny chuckle. "After all I damned his soul. I might not work for Hell anymore, but every soul damned by my hands still goes to Hell's account you know."
Aziraphale frowned now. "Oh the poor, poor soul."
"Don't mourn over him angel. All his possessions are ours now. Why don't you donate all of his money to charity? Then that'll be your good deed on my demonic act and everything will be in balance again." suggested Crowley.

Aziraphale thought about that for a bit, then nodded. "Yes, yes that sounds like a lovely thing to do. Thank you for the suggestion."
"Oh don't mention it.", answered Crowley and he shrugged, then he sauntered at the window and looked over on the sea and the setting sun. "S' already almost night again."
"Yes, soon it will be time for you to show Samantha you're fighting skills." said Aziraphale and he went to stand beside him to watch the sunset.

Crowley nodded. "I wonder how that is going to play out. She is, as you said yesterday, quite a fast learner so I suspect I can at least teach her some of the basic moves I know. Like blocking and using people's strength and body mass against them."

"If you two finish in time I could also spar with her again to see how much she has remembered from yesterday's lessons.", said Aziraphale.

"That sounds like a good plan. It is one thing that she picks up stuff pretty quickly, but I wonder if she is just as good at remembering the things we throw at her", agreed Crowley.

Aziraphale now nodded. "That was exactly what I was thinking. Now, shall we head down to get her from the cottage, or wait for her to show up here?"

Crowley shrugged. "I wouldn't mind either of the two. But I think she'd expect us to get her like we have been doing this past week."
"I did expect that from you yes, but mom's not home tonight so I didn't have to go to the trouble of cooking and pretending I still need to eat. So I figured I'd come to you." said Samantha suddenly as she was suddenly standing in the doorframe of the sliding door that offered entrance to the garden.

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