2. Let's eat

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Next chapter! I'll be uploading them fairly quicky now. I already finished the story on my laptop, so expect to get updates every few days or so.

Have fun!


"What was that all about suddenly?" asked Aziraphale as they were walking out of the park.
Crowley smirked. "We shouldn't go messing around and becoming friends with humans. They die quickly anyway. It's a waste of time and effort." He said.
"I know they do Crowley, but she sáw who we were. Well not directly, but she felt it and interpreted it right. She is a little different from the others. And by the way, it's been a while since we had such a juicy conversation with a human. It would have been right to thank her for it by giving her a little treat." Aziraphale sighed.

"I don't feel comfortable enough to dine with a human. Especially not at our favourite place. And I have stopped bonding to humans. It only hurts me in the end. I keep contact only with the Witchfinders Army for obvious reasons, and I don't give a damn about that old dick and his student." said Crowley smirking.

The angel seemed disappointed and sighed. "It's such a pity. I would have loved to have heard more of her stories. A dinner is an easy way to loosen people up and make them comfortable."
"Or, if you do it right, make them incredibly uncomfortable and ruin the whole thing for em." Crowley added with a nonchalant mocking tone in his voice. He now glanced at the angel's disappointed face and sought to comfort him a bit. He couldn't bare seeing his angel like that even if there was no way he would have dined with a human. Carefully he reached out for his hand and softly grabbed it, glancing at his face to await the reaction.

Aziraphale slight surprised looked up at Crowley by the gesture and he blushed shyly, but he then showed him a warm smile as he returned the touch of the demons hand in his by closing his hand around Crowley's.

It wasn't like Crowley to show affection to Aziraphale in public. Actually it hadn't been a thing to show a deep affection to each other until a particular night in Aziraphale's bookshop a few weeks after the Armagedidn't.

It had involved quite a lot of alcohol and a euphoric mood because both had really realised they were now free to do whatever they wanted to do without having to worry about what the higher authority thought of it. It had been quite the shock for them, especially because they hadn't realised their feelings for each other turned out to go this deep after having pushed it away for so long, and because the feeling was mutual to both parties.

They hadn't gone far in this whole new thing yet though. Mainly because Aziraphale was quite nervous about it all and couldn't cope with it on a large scale, and Crowley was afraid to ruin it after having to long for the angel for so long without the nerve or a way to tell him.

They would come together to hang around each other and chat, or just simply to stroke through each other's hair. On some occasions they kissed, somewhere back in the bookshop where they couldn't be seen by angel nor demon. For they feared if they would be seen, the higher parties would try and find other ways to dispose of the two. It would be a careful, yet sometimes long kiss.

Except for that one time when the angel had felt particularly brave and had allowed the demon to put his tongue into the mix. It didn't last long though, as Aziraphale had in his excitement produced an utterly sinful sound which had made the skittish angel back off, spending the next ten minutes stuttering with a red head and just generally making no sense. It hadn't happened ever since.

They walked hand in hand to the Bentley, who had just halted with the usual screeching of the tires beside the walkway in front of them, when Crowley had miracle him that way with the casual flick of his fingers.

Crowley smoothly got in and placed his hands on the steering wheel, then glanced up at Aziraphale who got in on his other side. "Where to angel? The Ritz?"
"Oh no Crowley. I wouldn't feel good dining there now, after we just called off a suggested dinner with that young lady.", said Aziraphale, looking down at his hands while fumbling with the bottom of his cotton jacket.

"Understandable.", said Crowley casually. "Then where do you wanna go? There are plenty of other places to go for a good bite."
Aziraphale was silent for a little while. "I don't know actually. I simply cannot choose."
"Then shall we just go and drive around town till we find something nice?"

He actually quite hoped he could do that. He quite enjoyed aimlessly racing through London.
"With your speed and way of driving I won't see anything at all and you know that." the angel replied with a frown, which made the demon frown in his turn.
"If we drive like a normal human being we don't get anywhere in this place."
They sighed now and a silence fell in which both of them thought about how to solve this. Eventually Aziraphale's face brightened though. "Shall I preform us a magic trick to let it decide?" he offered, eyes sparkling. He proceeded to miracle a black top hat and turned it so the hollow side was up. The demon immediately groaned in agony. "Please angel I beg of you. I am already annoyed as it is.", the demon growled.

"Come on Crowley, it's fun. This will be fun. It's not even really a magic trick. It is gambling. You like gambling, don't you? ", Aziraphale asked.

He miracled the hat full of white, neatly folded notes and Crowley curiously looked at it. "I do like a gamble. What are we gambling for?"
"Why isn't that obviously you silly thing? All of these notes have a name of a place we have ever been in London. Simply pick one and open it. We'll go to whatever is written on the paper." the angel answered happily.
The demon shrugged and hummed. "That sound fair enough. Let's give it a go."

He stuck his hand deep into the hat, assuming the angel might have put all his favourite places on an easy to grab place, and picked a random one after a bit of messing in the hat. He opened the paper and read the name out loud. "Antipode." he exclaimed with a frown. "Honestly I forgot which one that was."
"Oh but I didn't.", said the angel and he made a little wiggle on his chair. "I know how to get us there. Just drive. Straight here." he added as he pointed his finger ahead.

Crowley followed his instructions as he raced through the city. Aziraphale had gotten used to the driving style of the demon by now, but he still wasn't comfortable and he certainly didn't approve of it.

But Crowley never seemed to hit anything. Not because he cared so much about not causing mayhem in the streets, but because he didn't want any scratches on the fancy Bentley.

Somewhere Aziraphale was quite curious about the care Crowley put into his car, and in the plants he had in his apartment. He had been there a few times by now, though it wasn't his style. He believed it also wasn't Crowley's style, really. It looked more like a set, a décor of Crowley to make people believe this was really how he lived. The plants were in fact the demons style though. But whenever he had tried to praise the plants or speak a kind word to them, Crowley had nearly been running inside the room and pulled the angel away from them. He said he would 'pollute' the plants with blessed energy and that the plants needed to be scared at all times in order to grow the best. He had never quite understood the demon about it.

Then again, the demon never really seemed to understand the angel's love for first copy rare books as well. Sure he got it was a hobby to have and there was a lot of knowledge in those books, but why have all of them mainly to look at? And to sort them in one way one week, and then next week totally change said sorting system completely? He had to admit maybe that wasn't necessary, but it was fun to do and a good way to keep yourself occupied.

Like this the two drove on to the little café onthe side of London. They would have their usual chats and have a bit to eat,realising why they didn't eat often at small café places, and they would alsotalk about when their next dining at the Ritz could be.

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