7. A fluffy day

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It's time for some wing grooming. There is some light smut in there, as a warning for those who don't like it. It isn't too much tough.


Samantha had woken up with a heavy headache that morning. She didn't have a hangover often, but now she did. Normally she knew exactly how far she could go with drinking, but because of the two supernatural beings who just drunk on without a care in the world, she had accidently shot past her comfort mark. Luckily she noticed it in time before getting sick, so it was quite okay. When she sat up, she noticed a glass of water and a pill sitting on the table in front of her. Beside it was a note in Aziraphale's extravagant handwriting. It read 'you'll need this'. And yes she did indeed. Thankful she picked up the glass from the table and chuckled it down with the pill. After that she leaned back to let it work and let out a sigh. She thought about the drunken conversations of last evening. Or at least she tried to recall a few.

They had talked about an awful lot. In the beginning it had mostly been about the meetings and misadventures the two have had. About the angel doing stupid stuff and needing his ass saved and vice versa. It made for some very amusing stories. The two seemed very happy to finally have someone to tell their stories to. Someone who actually listened and who understood what they were talking about. Somewhere during that night she found out she was the first of both human and other creatures to have heard the full truth about the two and who they were comfortable enough telling secrets to. There had been a few individuals who had contacts with the demon and angel and some kind of friendship, but never had one of those humans ever entered their personal working and living space. The two had talked about relations they have had with famous humans over the years and how they were connected in their lives. Crowley and Aziraphale had for example both been apparent in Leonardo da Vinci's life. Apparently Crowley even had the original sketch of the Mona Lisa painting hanging in his apartment. When Samantha had told she didn't believe him, he showed her a picture of his place on his phone. A few other famous artists were also called. Like Mozart, Van Gogh, Michelangelo and some others.

She was amazed at the inside tales they had about famous artworks. About how they were created, what their inspiration was. As an art student, she was in awe and had asked a lot of questions. Eventually this led to a conversation and a philosophical look on art, on which they discussed on for a long time.

Samantha smiled thinking back of last night, then she stretched. She felt like going to the toilet. Luckily for her Aziraphale had long ago miracled a small toilet in the back of his shop, for if costumers ever had the need to use it. Samantha used it now. She stood up slowly and realised it went a lot easier as it had gone the other day. She was healing fast and smiled relieved. She shuffled through the shop to the toilet and spotted the demon and angel together on the couch in the shop. Aziraphale was reading while Crowley was seemingly asleep, half laying on Aziraphale's lap and chest. When the angel spotted her from the corner of his eyes he looked up and smiled. "Ah Samantha." he said delighted. "You are up and walking. How nice to see. How are you feeling today?"

"I am actually feeling way better than yesterday. I am less in pain now. It's great."
"I am so glad to hear that. What do you want for breakfast? I'll just miracle it on a plate on the table. I don't want to disturb Crowley right now. He seems so peaceful." Aziraphale said while glancing adored at Crowley.
Samantha grinned soft. "It looks very adorable I have to say. Don't tell him I said that."
"I won't."
"I'd like yoghurt with strawberries and a cup of English tea please. I need to go to the toilet first, then I'll eat."
"Splendid dear. Take your time." said Aziraphale with a kind smile.

Samantha went off to the toilet and Aziraphale watched her go, then he looked down at the sleeping Crowley, showing a tiny adored smile. He looked so sweet asleep. He could almost see how he would have looked like as angel. With a flick of his hand he miracled Samantha's breakfast on the table, then he continued reading a bit. He glanced up shortly to smile at Samantha when she came back from the toilet and took place in the chair opposite from the couch.
Samantha sat down and took the plate with breakfast on her lap. "Ah this looks wonderful Aziraphale. Like you pulled it straight from a 5 star restaurant." she smiled.
"Well what can I say?" said Aziraphale clearly flattered. "I have a great love for food and ascetics. Everything has to look just divine."

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