20:Continuation again

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20:Continuation again

End of Summer solicits  Year of Darkness

I have not written for some time.

There has not been any time.

But for the sake of filling in the blank space I have left in our history, I will recount the past half year. I am alive - bodily whole. My mind, I fear, will always remain fragmented - as will anyone else who has lived through this war. My soul will forever be tainted at the edges with the darkness that consumed so many 

We have won.

At a great cost.

The elders are gone now - they sacrificed their lives to keep the key stones in place and lift up the veil between the naturals' world and our own. We have made a treaty with the naturals. A promise that we will leave them alone forever more and not interfesr with their lives with our magic - they will forget us and will not recount our existence to later generations. These are the promises made after so much suffering has passed.

The dark king was enraged. He came at us full force to stop our division. The elders had given me one last token of their power. The blood stone - formed by a drop of their blood and magic. I was to imprison the darkness in. If I prove strong enough.

The moment came - I had wished it wouldn't' after so much bleeding and anguish of loosing so many I had grown up with, so many I cared for dearly,  I was face to face with the source of our darkness.

And what I feared was true. I was weak. He taunted me - toyed with my mind and heart - tore at my soul as he mocked the loss of the one thing I loved  the most in this world.

Then I looked into his eyes.

Black, souless, dead.

My precious brother was gone. Taken - sold to the demon that he was now.

He was no longer alive and I should never see him again. This tormenting thought - and the pain of the physical wounds  I had endured gave me one last bought of strength. I entrapped him in the stone - I took his body and soul and imprisoned him, for, what is our last hope,eternity. We could not destroy it - or him.

Darkness will always exists no matter where or who we are. In our heart, minds - in our lives, the wrong decisions we make that could cats us into the bottomless abyss of  our own hate and vengefulness, one can not rid the distressing devils that haunt us.

I only prey that  the source of my darkness remains  hidden for the end of time.

But in my heart I know-  I know the likely hood of that is small. He will return. He said as much as I took the very last essence of him into this accursed stone. Those were his last words as he looked me in the eye and laughed in the face of my disparity and pain.

We locked it away after mourning our deaths. Scarrow will never speak to me again - he lost his wife and daughters to the  atrocities of this war. All that remains wth him is half his mind and a small insignificant son.

If the boy lives - at least his name will carry on.

I, on the other hand have been tainted. So I left.

I live in a lonely Provence where no one knows my name.

I married a lovley woman named Adeline, who saw fit to bestow upon me some comfort for my wretched soul, and she's s expecting our first child. I can die happy once I find if it will be born to carry my on name.

And hopefully right the wrongs I have committed.

The importance of my story is finished, I grow obsolete, I can only hope later generations that will receive this book will have less darkness to live through and record.

To those future Monicroff to come, remember - 

Never forget your humanity. For the darkness will always beckon to our cursed blood - and the true worth of your name is if you choose to give in or  to fight.

So fight.

And live to tell the tale.

Magnus Monicrfoff.


Teagan closes her book numbly. Her face pale as the carriage ride jolts her stiff body. That was it -that was the story, one of the missing pieces - 

The Monicroffs are cursed.

And the dark mage - was one of them.


Headmistress Thyron  sighs as she looks at the red scratched marks on the paper before her. She despises what this moment has brought her too.

Dark magic should never be tampered with - but she'd made a promise to Teagan Monicroff.

And that's a promis she intends to keep. The paper crumples in her hands.

Whatever the cost.

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