8: Lost Control

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8: Lost Control

The bells chime loudly, it's letter day and all the students are gathering outside waiting for the birds to bring the parcels or letters from their families.

Teagan waits, for once, with excitement so she could tell her family she'd gotten into the Gracers team, even if she hadn't got Captain this year. And that she was fainting randomly, and that she was losing control of her magic but - she'll probably keep that part out of her letters.

Lila's hopping around, her eyes in the cool sky as Thad shuffles nearby, glancing at the sky now and then, he doesn't seem to be so excited. Chrys was there too, but she was busy drawing weird random lines in the dirt with a stick,

Finally, the different messengers flutter overhead and students prepare to grab what they drop. Teagan catches sight of their family's white bird and catches the scroll that it drops before fluttering off to the coop the academy's has for all messenger birds to rest in.

Teagan unrolls it eagerly and smiles at her mother's familiar handwriting.

Dearest Teagan,

Your father wishes you well. As do I, I hope you're eating healthy and you haven't ruined your sleep pattern with late studying nights. You must think of your health dear, and your complexion. We hope everything is going much smoother this year than last.

Your father is pestering me to ask if you've outshone that Scarrow boy. Really, it's unnecessary and I don't want you to think you have to be better than him just because of some silly feud which nobody even remembers how it started.

At any rate, eat well darling, and write back soon when you have time.

Your mother


Teagan smiles and actually looks forward to sending a letter back.

"Oh, Mum is so ridiculous sometimes." Lila giggles against the fluffy absurd pink scarf filling her arms warmly as she rubs her face into it.

"Did auntie make it herself?" Thad asks as he reaches one hand to squeeze the impossibly fluffy thing.

Lila nods and beams at the obnoxious article. "You can tell because it's missing a few loops. Mum never knitted anything before."

Thad smiles, Teagan can't help but notice his hands are bare as he puts them back in his pants pockets.

She tilts her head at him and wonders why he never gets anything from his family, come to think of it. . . She hasn't seen him receive anything last year either. But then, she had been a little self-centered and preoccupied. Chrys was still singing to herself, drawing in the dirt, she hadn't gotten anything either, Teagan somehow didn't expect she would.

"No word from your parents Thad?" She asks anyway.

Thaddeus shrugs nonchalantly. "Probably on a business trip or something. They'll send something when they remember." He doesn't sound bothered by it.

Teagan can't help notice the masked look of longing he casts at Lila though.

She doesn't say anything. "Well, I'm going to go and start writing a letter to send back."

They wave her off as she heads for the castle.

Teagan sighs as the cold air fills her lungs, she closes her eyes and walks towards the arched door way. It's such a nice day. . . Too bad she doesn't have practice until after classes today. She looks forward to flying.

Something crunches under her foot. Interrupting her pleasant thoughts.

Teagan looks down to see an expensive, thick, parchment under the heel of her button boots. She tilts her head at it curiously and bends down to pick the sad thing up, wondering who had tossed such a nice piece of paper so carelessly. The first half of the words are smudged; Teagan eyes widen as she reads the clear part

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