1 Dragon in my Soul

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It's dark and silent.

Almost painfully silent. Her feet step forward slowly, her steps crooked from the stones and cracks in the cold ground underneath them. It's freezing in the dark. She shudders; her bright blue eyes try to absorb some sort of light.

But all she sees is the soft glow of gold. A dragon's head sitting in front of her above a door that appears out of nowhere.

Teagan reaches for the handle with cold clammy hands and opens the door with the golden head on it.

The door doesn't open.

And she's suddenly thrown back by an invisible force that takes the air out of her lungs and sends her screaming through a glass floor that shatters around her and the silence.

Teagan bolts upright, breathing irregulars and ragged, her throat dry as she tries to remember where she is.

Her room, she feels underneath her, her bed, her blanket... She's home.

Not in a dark unknown place. But home.

She wipes at the sweat on her brow and rolls over to the cold side of her pillow with a groan, her fluffy hair covering her face.

She's tired of this strange dream. . . It's haunted her all summer and she's not sure she can handle it anymore.

Then she remembers. . . . Teagan sits up and grabs her wand from underneath her pillow, lighting the end with a small glow, she glances at her calendar and groans again.

Summer vacation has ended.

She flops on her bed with a loud thud and poof.

She's starts school today.

Somehow. . . That doesn't make her feel as excited as she'd hoped.


"Bags, check- underwear-"


"Check. Wand, check, extra portion kit, check, books - check and your permission slip for any field trips you might have - check. Oh, I can't believe summer ended already. Feels like you just got home yesterday darling." Alice sighs as she adjusts her daughter's headband over her frizzy mess of beautiful red hear.

Teagan smiles at her mother and shrugs. "I suppose time flies when you don't want it too."

Her mother smiles sadly and clasps both hands on Teagan's face, squishing it between them making the fifteen year olds lips pucker unattractively. "Don't worry dear, this year will fly too and you'll graduate before you know it. We're so proud of you and your father and I-" the woman casts her eyes back to the tall gentleman behind her who's casually adjusting his cufflinks pretending not to listen. She sighs.

"We know you'll make us proud this year as well."

Mr. Monicroff hears the words 'make us proud' and smiles at his daughter. "Your mother's right, come now, We'll be late if we don't get across the veil now."

Teagan sighs and lifts up her bag and bed roll as her mother levitates the rest of the bags to stack them into their car. Teagan takes her seat behind her parents and the engine starts with a sputter as they drive down the familiar Naturals Street.

Teagan watches the cobbles stoned street wiz by and waves at some of their neighbors, all of them Naturals without the barest hint of an idea of what Teagan and her family could do.

Such was the way of the treaty for centuries since the great wars.

Naturals don't know about Magics anymore and Magicals keep the secret if they live on the other side of the veil.

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