17: SleepSearching

Start from the beginning

"It's the dragon drool. It fermented I suppose." Chrys says suddenly.

That fact does not make Teagan feel any better, she takes a few sharp deep breaths and holds her nose. She only hopes her gag reflexes doesn't make her spit this out.

She closes her eyes tightly and tips the grotesque smelling  liquid into her mouth, it's slippery and slimy and doesn't feel at all like liquid. Teagan's throat closes, and she can't move for a second as she fights herself to swallow.

She hold it in her mouth for a disgusting moment. Swallow, swallow already.

She does.

It's thick going down and Teagan's entire body shudders in shee revulsion as she drops the bottle and clasps both of her hands over her mouth to keep it for coming back up.

Her friends all stare at her as she starts hacking and sucking in deep desperate breaths of air to stop the churning in her stomach. It feels like a volcano wants to erupt.

Her body tingles unpleasantly, and her knuckles are white as she grasps the back of the chair in front of to her.

"Teagan, Teagan  oh stars, she's been poisoned, what's are we going to do?" Lila starts panicking and Teagan wishes she'd  shut up, she's dizzy and the noise and lights were making it worse.

"Teagan, Teagan sit Down." Thad says and he grabs her. His grip makes her want to throw every thing up even more.

But she can hardly see so she lets him sit her down.

They crowd around her, Chrys is fanning her with a book. Teagan is gasping like a fish out of water.


It stops.

All that atrociousness just stops.

Teagan opens her eyes and looks at her concerned friends.

"Teagan?" Lila reaches for her sweaty forhead."What happened? You scared us." She say, dabbing at Teagan's face with her robe.

Teagan sits up and looks around, expecting ... Something to happen, anything more useful then a horrendous stomach ache she just endured.


The sheer disappointment that crowds her heart is almost enough to make her scream in the sacred silent space of the library.

"Well, look at the bright side. If she'd been poisoned she would have died instantly." Chrys says cheerfully.

Lila looks as if she wants to smack the girl.

Teagan, on the other hand, is grateful for Chrys' silver lining at  least.

"You didn't think to tell us that before she drank it? Huh, perhaps share such vital possibly life threatening information with us?" Lila says angrily tightening her hair tail.

Chrys shrugs. "I had faith in her bravery."

"Well, I had fear in her demise. What's the matter with you!" Lilas voice raises and Thad grips her shoulders to clam her.

Chrys' ever present smile drops suddenly. The girl turns big violet eyes at Lila. And she blinks silently. This infuriates Lila even more.

Teagan just sit there, lost in her own mind. Why didn't it work? What will happen now? They can't possibly make another one, she's lucky she didn't die from this one. But the dragons head... How ever will she find it? Will these nightmares haunt her for the rest of her abysmal life? She might just kill herself before then.

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