21. Anniversary

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Because it had been exactly three years since the faithful happening, Samantha had taken a little 'vacation'. Which meant she had told her mother she had taken vacation to go on a small trip to the outskirts of London. She owned a brown Mini Cooper and a reading wagon fitted to be towed by the car. It was a beautiful thing, richly decorated like the ones seen in old gypsy caravans or circus people. It was now standing in front of the mansion close to the Bentley and the gold ornaments softy glimmered in the morning sun.

She watched the wagon from her position behind the window in one of the main rooms of the mansion. Since today was the third anniversary of her changing, she was thinking of all the things that happened over the period of the last 3 years. It had mainly consisted out of getting used to her powers, becoming even closer friends to the duo and getting stronger. Now she felt like she had a stable basis, she started to get a bit restless. This was also the reason why she bought the wagon and Cooper. She had developed a plan to travel around the world, seeing where she could aid humanity and to get to know more about it. For if she was to carry out her vision, she first needed to really know what was going on, and not only by watching the news. For news was always brought from the angle reporters and news federations wanted to show it, and perhaps not how it was really like.

Samantha was shook awake by Aziraphale asking what she wanted to do to celebrate this year. She blinked and looked up.

"Uh? Err, ah oh sorry. I was thinking a bit." she said and showed an ashamed smile. "What was that?"
Crowley sighed soft and stirred a bit on his place on the couch where he laid, his head on Aziraphale's lap. "Are we going to celebrate this stuff évery year? I am sure it will start to bore very soon."
"Oh no we don't have to celebrate it every year. It is still just a new thing and that is why it is fun to do now, yet we can skip the next year and do year 5 after that." answered Aziraphale.
Samantha nodded in agreement. "And then next on the 10th year, the 25th and so on. I get it. Or just some random years in between if we feel like it."
"Well that sounds better." said Crowley and he sounded relieved. "Yet indeed, Samantha what do you want to do this year?"
Samantha thought for a bit now, then smiled. "Well, since I have heard so much about your misadventures in Paris. Why don't we go there? I haven't ever been in Paris and I'd love to see it. And perhaps we could go and taste those famous crêpes you always talk about, Aziraphale."

The angel's eyes started to glisten now. "Oh yes that sounds like a wonderful idea." he said cheerfully and he closed his book. "In that case we'd better hurry up. There is a lot to show you and the day is still young, tough it is an hour later there as it is here."
Crowley muttered, clearly not happy with the fact his relaxed moment was disturbed by this excitement, but he sat up and nodded while fixing his hair. "Yup it's true."

"Nice. Shall we go right now then?" asked Samantha.
"Well that sounds like the best idea, no?" answered Aziraphale. "Would you do us the honour of popping us across the channel? Just focus on the Louvre. You know that one and I think it would be the perfect place to start out."

Samantha nodded. "Good plan. All right. Ready? Here we go." she said as she made her usual gesture with her hand, popping them over in a moment. She then looked around in wonder.

"This place is so much more exiting in real life as it is in google street view or in pictures.", she said happy.
Aziraphale smiled soft. "And you have seen nothing yet. This museum is a wonderful place. There are some paintings and artefacts we have personally been in contact with. One of the most logic ones being the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci."
"Well duh of course she knows about Leonardo. I mean the sketch of the Mona Lisa hangs in the hallway toward the glass wing of the mansion." said Crowley plainly as he started to walk toward the entrance. The other two followed him.

A little slice of heaven and hellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें