Chapter 32

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Lisa's Pov


I got out from the hospital yesterday. I was shocked when my bed are all set and the beddings are all done. I asked them who did that but they don't know either.

"Are you sure you're now good?" Jisoo unnie asked this question for a thousand times and I just keep nodding my head. "Ok, then let's go?" I got in to Tae oppa's car because Jungkook didn't pick me up.

I was a little bit upset but I know he has a reason. "Oppa, is Jungkook mad at me?" I asked and he just bring up his shoulders meaning that he don't know. "You're the one who can answer your question Lisa" he replied and continue to drive.

After 10 minutes

I got out from the car and my head is down while passing the students. They have something whispering about.

"Oh my God. What a slut"

"She's a two-timer"

"I thought she's a simple and kind girl, but my thoughts are definitely wrong"

I heard there heart breaking sentences to me when I'm passing by the hallway. I got in to our classroom and just sat down. I heard them whispering about me, but I don't care. I know what is right, and I know myself more than them.

"Are you ok?" Rm oppa asked beside me and I just smiled. "People always saying that there ok, but deep inside there not. Most of the people do that, right?"


The bell rings after I said those words to him. I sat down properly and pay attention to the class.

The class ended and it's time for break. Jungkook didn't glance at me nor talk to me. Like, who doesn't?

I got in to the cafeteria and all of them shut up. I felt uncomfortable and the atmosphere in this place is akward. I'm not paying attention to my surroundings when I suddenly trip down. They all laughed at me while pointing at me.

The members was about to help me when Jungkook cut in to the crowd and pull me away. He pull me through the garden and he make me sat down.

"Are you ok?" he asked. I just smirked and sighed in disbelief. "I'm totally fine" luckily, my voice didn't crack. "You, are you ok? You're really good at ignoring me. You're really good. Keep it up!" I said sarcastically.

"What do you think is the reason, why I'm ignoring you?" I was taken a back by his reply. "I didn't like what happened. Trust me" I said and he just nodded. I sighed because of his reply.

"Bunny love, we need to take a break" I suddenly said those words without thinking. Maybe, it's the best for us. "Let's cool down for a bit" I added. He put his hands on his waist after stroking out his hair. His eyes stared at me in disbelief. He's mad

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