Relationship Revealed

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EmoNightmare: I can't keep this secret anymore Princey!

EmoNightmare: I hate hiding stuff from dad..

Princey 👑: Well if you wanna tell him you can.

EmoNightmare: wait really?

Princey 👑: Duh. I've been waiting on you to be ready dumbo.

EmoNightmare: oh shush you

EmoNightmare: fine come on, let's tell them

Princey 👑: Everyone else too? Didn't think you were that ready. Christ.

EmoNightmare: might as well tell them all at the same time. Gets it over and done with

Princey 👑: Good thinking mi amor.

EmoNightmare: stahp

Princey 👑: Neverrr!

EmoNightmare: jeez Louise


EmoNightmare: Guys me and Princey have something to tell you all

Dad 💙: What's up kiddos?

Kiddo 🏳️‍🌈: I wanna know the T. Spill it.

Dad 💙: lol

Princey 👑: wellllllll

Princey 👑: Virgil and myself

Princey 👑: are

EmoNightmare: oh fgs just hurry up and say it

Princey 👑: have been* not are

Princey 👑: Virgil and myself have been - that's what we got so far ok?

Dad 💙: Princey don't be like this

Nerd 👓: Virge, you just tell us.

Princey 👑: nuuu!

EmoNightmare: oh I will

Princey 👑: :(

EmoNightmare: you're taking to long shush

Princey 👑: :((

EmoNightmare: me and Princey are dating and have been for a month or so now

EmoNightmare: sorry we kept it a secret for so long dad...

Princey 👑: :D


Dad 💙: And no worries kiddo, just glad you finally told us!!

Kiddo 🏳️‍🌈: that's adorable!

Nerd 👓: Patton, may I then?

Princey 👑: may you what?

Princey 👑: what's going on here?

Dad 💙: Of course. It's like what we said.

Nerd 👓: Alright then.

Nerd 👓: Considering you two finally told us about being in a couple, myself and Patton are also in a taken status.

EmoNightmare: whatever you tried to tell me, you said it too wordy

Dad 💙: I'm dating Logi silly :D

Kiddo 🏳️‍🌈: Now this is the type of conversation I like to have

Princey 👑: and this was why this chat was made

Princey 👑: also Awwwww you too!

EmoNightmare: clearly

EmoNightmare: and glad to see you finally accepting the mom status Logan

Nerd 👓: Whatever.

Kiddo 🏳️‍🌈: Y'all are so cute!!!!!!!!!

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