Autocorrect Disaster

860 27 39

Dad 💙: Morning y'all! How is everyone?

Knowledge 📖: You all*

Knowledge 📖: And I'm quite alright, Morality. How are you?

Dad 💙: I'm good thanks.

nope™️: why are u up so early?

Knowledge 📖: You*

Knowledge 📖: I'm beginning to get quite irritated with your grammar.

Dad 💙: It's only 7 am kiddo.

nope™️: too early.

Dad 💙: You're normally up at 6 seeing as you don't sleep much.

Dad 💙: What time did you get to sleep?

nope™️: like.. half 5..

Dad 💙: Anxiety! You know that isn't good!

Knowledge 📖: Morality and I shall make sure you get to sleep at an ideal time. You need optimal rest to perform to your best ability the next day.

nope™️: yeah, whatever.

nope™️: wait so are you my mom then? If Morality is my dad?

Knowledge 📖: What? No.

nope™️: sure sure. Keep telling yourself that.

nope™️: mom

Knowledge 📖: I am not your mom. It doesn't even make sense!

nope™️: how so?

Knowledge 📖: I am a male.

nope™️: yeah but..

nope™️: Morality is dad so therefore you are the other person. Which is the mom. So you are mom.

nope™️ change Knowledge 📖's name to Mom ❤️

nope™️: no escaping it

Mom ❤️ changed their name to Logic

Logic: Yes there is.

nope™️: i said no escaping it itch bay

Logic: Ah. I see what you did there. Clever.

nope™️ changed Logic's name to Mom ❤️

Mom ❤️: No.

Prince 👑: Honestly, I think you suit the role of the motherly figure out of us all.

Mom ❤️: Great. More people against me. Let me guess, Morality you too agree with this nonsense?

Dad 💙: And what if I said yes..?

Mom ❤️: Then I will just have to accept my fate.

Dad 💙: Then I do.

Mom ❤️: Knew it.

Mom ❤️: Whatever.

Dad 💙: Yay!

Prince 👑: You can stop screaming now, Morality.

nope™️: hey whos in the common room

Mom ❤️: Who's*

Prince 👑: I am, is there anything I can help you with?

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