A Picnic Outing

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The next chapter will be what Logic and Patton do whilst Roman and Anxiety are out but I promise that text chapters will return. There's a little bit of text at the end of this chapter and the next one for those who want it back however it'll be the same bit because of what I've already said the next chapter is about. But yeah, The one after that will be a full text chapter lol I promise. And I'm pleased to see this book with 200 reads - it hasn't been long since we got 100 reads. I'm also pleased to see some interaction for this book - comments and votes. Means a lot. Thanks. Anyways, you guys seemed to like the Prinxiety chapter so here's another one. Enjoy :)

{Virgil's POV}

With a click of a finger, Princey transports himself and I to the mind palace gardens along with all of our things. We arrive in a beautiful forest full of tell, dark trees surrounded by healthy, green grass. How is this place so pristine? I know this doesn't sound like my thing, but this is exactly the type of place I would go too if I needed to get away from things y'know?

"Wanna sit by the lake over that there hill?" Roman asks, pointing a finger in the general direction of it, and I shrug,

"Yeah sure. Lead the way.". He begins to walk off and I panic a little as be walks faster than I thought he would so I'm quick to speed up my pace to catch up to him - I really don't wanna get lost in here or loose Roman himself as he is my only way out of course. Roman looks behind him briefly - to make sure I'm still with him I presume - but I'm pretty sure he notices that I was momentarily panicked as he then holds my hand to keep us close. I blush madly at this and hope to God that my hoodie and white foundation will hide it. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to notice however he could have but just chose to not comment on it. I hope he didn't see...

Soon we pull to a stop and I finally look up from the ground, in awe of the sparkling and shimmering water in front of me as the gentle breezes causes calm and small overlaps. There's even a few rock features here and there.

"It's lovely isn't it?" Roman eventually asks - well, he more says it than asks it.

"Indeed. It's amazing. It really is."

"Good, I'm glad you like it. Always gotta keep it looking it's best."

"You take care of the lake?"

"And the whole forest and garden, Yee. I created it so it is my duty to look after it - as well as the fact that whoever cleans this place would need me anyway to get here in th first place so I might as well be the one to do it."

"Wow. You do.. a really damn good job of it."

"I do try my best"

"The hard work pays off, Princey. The hard work pays off."

"You think so?"

I then to him, taking my hand out of his grip to rest it on his shoulder - blushing when I realise our hands were still intertwined all this time. "I know so."

He smiles and nods. "Good. Thanks. I'm pleased to hear that."

"It's only the truth."

"I guess. Anyway, wanna go dip our feet in the water?"

"Yeah sure. Let's find a spot to put these things down though first"


I follow Princey to a spot and we begin to lay out all of our stuff. "Hey Princey?". He hums. "How often do you come here?"

"At least once a week. However if I can't make it that week for whatever reason then I go twice the next week. I mean, as j said, someone's gotta keep this place tidy and that someone is me."

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