Start from the beginning

The aftermath was unclear due to the amount of smoke that was left behind but as it dissipated, Y/n's expression changed as the pieces to a puzzle she had unknowingly been collecting had finally pieced itself together.

"He looks like—-that guy from—" the girl was unable to finish her sentence from the disbelief that the connections she was making for the past few months had been spot on. Everyone including Bakugo were equally as shocked to see the Symbol of Peace in his true form.

"So he was that guy from the day of the Battle Trial," Y/n mumbled. The onlookers around the students began to comment on All Might's change of appearance, all understandably in a state of shock.

"What's wrong? Is-Is everyone else seeing this?!" The news reporter stuttered, "It seems like, All Might's been shrunk somehow!" Izuku audibly whimpered, catching the girl's attention beside him.

She could tell by the expression on his face that he was frightened, it seemed as if he had seen a ghost. She rose a brow, "Izuku?" The boy didn't budge, 'Does he know about the injury too?'  She mentally questioned.

Her once confused look soon switched into a look of utter disappointment, not towards anyone else but herself. Y/n had felt as if she had let everyone down, knowing that she had the power to change the outcome of the battle with just a simple touch.

She looked up at the screen as she bawled her fists, 'Why couldn't my power be more effective back then.' The girl pursed her lips as she felt them begin to quiver, 'Of course 10% wasn't going to do anything for him.'

All Might looked All for One in the eye, the man seeming to have said something to the hero. Though, instead of leading with one of his infamous attacks—

All Might stayed in place, he did not move an inch.

Was it because his biggest secret had now been revealed to the world or had he possibly reached his limit? Y/n watched as the Symbol of Peace let his fist fall. A look filled with devastation, regret, and disappointment, replaced the hero's infamous smile.

"All Might.." the girl muttered as she watched the number one hero gradually give up alongside everyone else. "Beat this guy" Bakugo muttered.

"No way," an onlooker commented.

"What next?" another asked.

"Is he gonna lose?" asked another.

"He's always been able to win before, so he can do it again right?!"

"Yea, even if he looks totally different he's still the same All Might!" A woman agreed with the stranger before her. Kamino Ward was now filled with words of encouragement for the hero, hope being restored one word after the other.

Y/n, after a brief moment of silence from her, took a deep breath as she held her hands close to her chest. She shut her eyes and let out words of encouragement of her own, "Bring him down!"

"Win this!" Izuku shouted through tears.

"Beat him!" Bakugo yelled.

"COME ON ALL MIGHT!!!" The three simultaneously shouted with all their hearts and hopes being poured into those four words.

"All Might, is powering up, but it seems like he can only form muscles on his right arm!" The reporter announced, "Get him, All Might!" Bakugo and Y/n shouted simultaneously, "You can win!" Izuku followed.

All for One charged up his next attack, similar to his last attack. But before he could even aim he was unexpectedly attacked by a large flame.

Endeavor had appeared at the scene alongside other Pro Heroes who were taking care of other matters beforehand. They assisted All Might by evacuating and rescuing the bystanders that were trapped under the rubble, now truly leaving nothing for All Might to worry about during his fight.

All for One released the attack that had been suppressed. The crowds cheers abruptly stopped as the smoke caused by the attack prevented them from seeing a thing. Pro Heroes flew out of the smoke from the impact of All for One's attack the shock wave passing by as All for One prepared another attack.

"Tha..That is anatomically impossible," Y/n uttered out as her eyes widened from the mere sight of All for One's arm. It was possibly three times bigger than the last time he had powered up. Both of the men drew back their powered up arms, All Might's being shrouded in white sparks.

As the two charged towards one another with full intention to defeat the other the crowd's cheers started up again. "Come on All Might! You can do this I know you can!" Izuku shouted through tears. All Might and All for One's attacks collided causing a large scale shock wave to be created upon impact.

The girl watched the fight intently, she noticed that All Might's arm had begun to swell up, as he was being pushed back by All for One. It was clear as day to her that his arm was fractured, the lump in her throat becoming unbearable at the sight of it. She let the tears she had suppressed for so long take form, Bakugo glancing at the girl as he caught sight of something new.

Y/n took a shaky breath, "I promise to heal you this time when you win! All Might!!" She shouted as her tears trickled down her face.

All for One added more force into his arm which caused All Might's already fractured arm to bleed. The hero caught himself as he almost lost his balance, he stood firm as she held back All for One with his right arm.

But soon, All Might drastically turned the tables with an unbelievable strategy. Y/n as well as every one else watching was uttered speechless as All Might switched the power that he had stored in his right arm into his his left one as he dodged All for One's attack.

He punched the man with his left arm, All for One coming up with his own strategy as he charged up his other arm. Though, All Might was one step ahead as he pulled back his fractured right arm that he had used as bait.

He switched all of the power back into his right arm and swung it with all his force into All for One. The punch landed as he drilled the villain to the ground with just that single move. His attack was accompanied by a large tornado like shock wave that long died out with the cheering crowd who were awaiting the final outcome of the long dragged out battle.

The students eyes widened as they watched All Might lift his arm into the air rather slowly. No one spoke, Y/n wasn't even sure if any one was even breathing at the moment. They all awaited his next move in anticipation.

All Might fully had his arm in the air and powered it up. That action alone had brought every single person, excluding certain people, to tears as they cheered and embraced one another.

"All Might wins!!"

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