18. A new place

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"I don't think my apartment would be the best place for it as well." said Crowley thoughtful. He was silent for a bit, then flicked his fingers as he got an idea. "I think this might work however. In the outskirts of town there is a big mansion. The owner there is an old scrooge like guy. I have been shadowing him for ages now, damning him and leading him down this road of miserliness. He is on the verge of dying, with no one who cares about that and no one to claim the house. He is lonesome and grouchy. I was actually thinking of faking the papers and taking over the house and..." He was silent for a bit now while he was thinking about how to bring it, seeming a tad nervous about it. "Well, and I was hoping you'd want to join me there, Aziraphale. You don't need to give up your bookshop at all, and the place has a gigantic library. I am talking Beauty and the Beast size library, you know what I mean. The house is really something your style."
Aziraphale frowned. "You know I still disapprove of your ways of acquiring stuff. It really brings a sour taste in my mouth."
"Oh." said Crowley and he sounded a tad disappointed, but before he could say anything else the angel interrupted him.

"But you had me at library. It would be interesting to share an accommodation with you and it does sound like the perfect spot for us to be, certainly with the needs we have now. I am suspecting this place has a lot of rooms, too. So we could even lend Samantha a room for whenever she wishes to stick around for a bit." he answered softly and there was a tiny light of joy in the eyes of the soft angel.

Crowley looked up at Aziraphale now and showed a tiny smile. "Really? That sounds very nice." he leaned back on the couch now and seemed to relax.
Samantha meanwhile had listened at all of this and smiled, happy about this development. "That sounds amazing. Well, aside from the fact you are quite literally killing a guy to get the place."
Crowley shrugged. "He was damned to die soon anyhow. I could... speed it up a little. It is a work I am quite proud on however. I really sucked all the lives joy out of him."

Crowley showed a tiny demonic smile, but stopped when Aziraphale showed him a disapproving look. He then shrugged. "Well, at least it is for my own amusement. I don't need to do it anymore, it's not like hell would care, but that doesn't mean I don't like to do it every once in a while. I am and stay a demon."
"You don't have to explain yourself my sly serpent. I know that is your way of doing it, just as much as I don't have to do good to the people around me, I just like to. It is simply our character. You don't have to change a thing about it for me.", reassured Aziraphale and he softly patted the demon's hand.
Crowley let out a soft grin and squeezed Aziraphale's hand shortly, then he stretched. "Anyhow, I don't think we'll be staying here for much longer, so let's at least make a start to your training."

Samantha nodded and got up. "That's a good idea. Let's do this."

Aziraphale stood up too and looked around. "Let us head to the garden to do this. I don't want to stumble over objects."

Crowley and Samantha agreed, then went outside to the small grass patch on the garden, just big enough for a decent sparring game. Aziraphale let an epee appear in his hand and swished it around masterfully, before pointing at Samantha, who was now standing over against him.

"I want you to miracle up your own weapon. That will be your first lesson. Make it an epee specifically. They are lighter and easier to handle." he explained.
Samantha nodded and after two tries, she had a simple epee in her hands. She smiled proud and looked up at Aziraphale. "Okay, enlighten me."
Aziraphale started and walked around while showing her the basics. How to stand, where to put her balance, how to walk, how to block. He went at it slowly so she could follow everything he said. Meanwhile Crowley just watched while sitting nearly draped over the bench in the garden, watching the two with a mild interest. When Samantha finally had her position right, Aziraphale moved in and gently moved at her with the sword. Her first reaction was pure out of instinct and she lashed the sword around aimlessly, getting a mild sigh out of Aziraphale, who calmly blocked her wild flail and kicked at her leg so she stumbled. Crowley laughed.
"What did I just tell you mare minutes ago. Follow the basics and don't panic." said Aziraphale sternly. He glanced at Crowley with a mild frown. "Don't laugh at her dear. It is her first try."
"How can I not laugh at this? She looks so stupid." muttered Crowley.

A little slice of heaven and hellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang