Chapter Thirteen: Batgirl

Start from the beginning

"" Vibe stammered.

"Oh, c'mon." Her smile only grew wider now. "Don'tcha wanna rev up a Harley, an' take 'er out fer a spin?"

"Okay Harley," I said, "you've crossed a line."

Suddenly, there was a woosh. I turned my head to see Supergirl. "What's up?"

"I need info on Stargirl," she answered.

"Stargirl?" I asked.

"Stargirl?" Harley asked. She started to laugh. "Seriously? She's as harmless as a firework!"

"Well, we also need firepower, too," Supergirl shot back.

I walked over to her. "Why do we need to contact Stargirl?" A sigh left my lips. "Courtney's still young," I whispered, "and a bit inexperienced."

"Green Lantern told me we'll need her."


Supergirl nodded. "You think you can get into the JLA's database for me?"

I nodded. "We can try." With that, the three of us left the cell.

"See ya around, Vibe Boy!" Harley called out.

Vibe groaned.

"Yeah," Supergirl replied, "I know."

We came back to the control center. I led us to one of the computers that wasn't being used by Batwoman. Within a few minutes, I was able to crack into Bruce/Batman's data and track down the JLA database.

"Found it."

Supergirl and Vibe came over and examined the screen.

Name: Courtney Whitmore

Sex: Female

Age: Fifteen

Race: Caucasian

Abilities: staff that shoots energy rays and allows user to fly, cosmic-converter belt that gives off enhanced agility, strength, stamina, speed, and durability

Supergirl shook her head. "Nothing about where I can find her."

I scrolled down a bit more. "Wait...I think I found it."

Last Known Location: Blue Valley, Nebraska

I turned around. "I guess you know where to..." Before I could even finish, she was gone. I sighed and shook my head.

"So, you're the new kid Batwoman told me about."

I turned my head to see Huntress at the entrance. She had her crossbow in her hand, but it was pointed at the ground.

"Oh my God," Vibe replied, his voice getting a tiny bit higher-pitched, "you're Huntress!"

She scoffed. "I know who I am, dipshit."

The smile instantly faded from Vibe's face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I came over to meet Vibe, of course," Huntress said, "plus, I heard about these superpowers he has. I want to see if it's true."

"Wouldn't Batwoman tell you if they were real or not?"

"Funny, Batgirl. But I have to see it to believe it." She aimed the crossbow at his chest. "Breach this."

My eyes widened. "Huntress, no!"

With that, she shot the arrow. A smirk stretched across her face.

Vibe put up his hand. A breach emitted from his palm right as the arrow flew at him.

I watched carefully as the arrow passed through the breach.

Suddenly, there was a blue glow coming from above. I looked up to see a breach forming between Huntress and I. Once it opened, the arrow shot down to the floor, the tip breaking off on impact.

I looked back up to see Huntress's dark brown eyes widen. Her jaw had dropped.

Vibe looked right at Huntress through the goggles. "Is that what you wanted to see?"

Huntress closed her mouth and looked back at him. "I see. I guess she's right about you."

"And what was that?" I asked.

Huntress turned around, as if to leave. "That he's useful." With that, she left the area.

Vibe looked to me. "Is she always like that?"

"She pulled a few things on Supergirl a few days ago," I replied, "a lot of us aren't happy about it."

"That, and if she's so stubborn to believe."

"We had to use the Lasso of Truth on Supergirl before we could test it on Harley just to persuade Huntress."

Vibe chuckled. "Damn."

I nodded.

He turned to me. "You know, I was always into superheroes."

I looked back at him. "Really?"

Another chuckle escaped him. "Yeah, like way before I became Vibe."

I smirked. "Was it like a fetish or something?" I laughed at this.

Vibe rose an eyebrow, but had a slight smile on his face. "Don't go all Harley on me."

"When you say you're 'into it."

He shook his head. "No, I mean, like I was interested in them. I've always been fascinated by them. They could do the impossible, things I never thought I could do."

I smiled. "Who inspired you once you got your powers?"

"All of you guys, really. If you mean which one was my favorite was, it has and probably always will be, the Flash."

I smiled. "The so-called 'fastest man alive'."

"Hey, can you run so fast that you can phase through buildings or run on water?

I sighed. "Okay, okay. He wins in that department."

His smile started to fade lightly. "But...he's been gone lately."


"Well, he hasn't appeared in Central City from what I've heard." He paused for a second. A prominent frown emerged on his face. "You don't think he's sick, do you?"

I let the moment linger for a second. "I don't know, Vibe. I don't."

He looked down for a moment before looking back at me. "I can trust you, right?"

I nodded. "You can trust all of us here. Why do you--?"

He sighed as he took off his goggles, revealing his brown eyes. Vibe looked over at me. "If we're going to be working together, I feel that we should be able to trust each other in our secret identities, you know? Besides, you don't have to always call me 'Vibe'. When I'm not wearing the goggles, my name is Francisco Ramon, but you can call me Cisco."

I smiled lightly. "Nice to officially meet the man under the goggles, Cisco." I stuck out my hand and shook his hand.

"If it's okay, can I ask you yours?"

I rose an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Because, I mean, if we're gonna be working together," he stuttered, "we know...?"

"Know each other's secret identities?"

Cisco shrugged. "I'm still trying to get a hold of the superhero thing. I observed the superhero life so much as a civilian, I don't even know how to actually live that life."

I nodded. "I understand that feeling." I paused. "That being said, I'm not telling you my identity. At least, not right now." Suddenly, it hit me. "Go patrolling a few times with me, and once I know you better, I'll tell you, deal?"

Cisco nodded. "Deal."

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